I answered about 50 questions on Twitter today (scroll to look for posts on afternoon of 3/29). Most were about writing process, some were about my books.
Next Twitter Live Q & A is scheduled for 4pm (EST) April 13th.
Just sayin’.
I answered about 50 questions on Twitter today (scroll to look for posts on afternoon of 3/29). Most were about writing process, some were about my books.
Next Twitter Live Q & A is scheduled for 4pm (EST) April 13th.
Just sayin’.
We are doing another website overhaul. The old site has gorgeous visuals, but the navigation has become problematic and the Flash is a headache.
The new site will be a lot easier to figure out and will have more content.
What do you want to see on it?
(And now we return to our regularly scheduled blog)
What else do we have in here,….. ::rummages:: ah, yes! A lovely WINTERGIRLS review from Norway.
And much appreciated nods from state award lists:
Wintergirls is on the Rhode Island Teen Book Award and the Georgia Peach Book Award lists and the New York Public LIbrary Stuff for the Teen Age list.
CHAINS is ALSO on the Rhode Island Teen Book Award list, as well as the Beehive Young Adult list from Utah, and the Pacific Northwest Young Reader’s Choice Award, in the intermediate category.
And if that weren’t enough, THE HAIR OF ZOE FLEEFENBACHER GOES TO SCHOOL is a 2010 National Horace Mann Upstanders Children’s Literature Award Honor Book. Wow!
A quick entry… life is almost back to normal, I swear.
Thank you, Children’s Book World, for showing the love to THANK YOU, SARAH!!