I dreamed last night I was back in Denmark. (I lived there for a year when I was 16.) I love having Denmark dreams. They are like cheap vacations. I get to hear the language, try to speak it, buy Danish newspapers, see old friends, and eat all my favorite foods. In the past couple of weeks I have run across a couple Danes at school visits (Dav, Anne, hvordan gaar det?) and that probably triggered the dream. It was kind of a bummer to wake up.
I stayed up too late watching the first part of the original Rocky movie. It is the perfect Philly film. I want it on DVD for Mother’s Day.
In other Philadelphia news, the first camera installed at a notoriously bad intersection caught 525 drivers running red lights in the first 48 hours. You read that right: 525 morons who thought they were more important than anyone else on the road blazed through a red light in ONE intersection in 48 hours. Stupid, dangerous, pig-headed, criminal, selfish morons. Running red lights is an epidemic in this area. Do not do this. It gives you bad karma and will bring evil deeds to the next four generations of your family. Red means stop.
Yesterday I finally got in touch with a historian I’ve been calling for a month. She was very nice, but did not say what I wanted her to say. A crucial piece of historical information that I really, really, really wanted to use in the book I’m finishing up cannot be verified. (Insert temper tantrum here.) I am broken-hearted about this. I have one more person to call, another researcher, but chances are slim and none that she’ll have a miraculous primary source that no one else knows about.
The rest of today will be devoted to rewrites and verifying historical things. Not a bad way to spend a cold Saturday.
This morning’s mood score:
Happy stuff – Danish dream, Rocky movie, red-lighted-running jerks busted, working on history = +4
Sad stuff – having to cut out favorite section of book due to lack of primary sources = -2
Score = +2 It’s going to be a good day.