Mark your calendars, friends — it may be digital, but Independent Bookstore Day is this Saturday, April 25th, and the celebration is already in full swing on Twitter. You can find participating bookstores, help support indies, find great reads by great authors, and hang out with other booknerds at the hashtag #VirtualBookstoreParty.
And, if you’re an audiobook fan, has a special deal on Laurie’s audiobooks (as well as many others). If you sign up with code SHOPBOOKSTORESNOW, you’ll get a 2-for-1 audiobook special, and 100% of your payment will go to your own local bookstore. Get the details at
We are, obviously, huge fans of indie bookstore here at Team Halse Anderson, and there will be more news soon about some upcoming collaborations with indies in place of Laurie’s planned tour for SHOUT. So stay tuned, stay safe, stay healthy, and remember we’re all in this together.