1. Thank you everyone for the kind words about my vloging* attempt. Based on the feedback, I’ll be doing lot more of this. In fact, I’ll be taking questions on my Twitter feed this afternoon, so if you have something you want me to answer on camera, let me know. I will try to post the next vlog tonight or tomorrow. You should subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss a scintillating moment.
*blog + video = vlogging I am still looking for a better word.
2. Many teachers and librarians wrote to say that Youtube is blocked at their schools. So I set up an account at TeacherTube. (If you are a member there, you’ll find me listed as lauriehalseanderson. I’m not terribly impressed with the site, I must say.) I am in the process of setting up acounts at SchoolTube and EduBlogs.tv, too. (I hope they are more functional than TeacherTube.)
3. I finished recording all the PSAs for next month’s 25th anniversary of School Library Month, thank goodness.
4. Have you read my guest blog on TeachingBooks.net? Why not? It explains why I call myself the Mad Woman in the Forest. While you are at TeachingBook.net, listen to the very short audio clip of me explaining the correct pronunciation of my name.
5. Just in time for Women’s History Month, check out this wonderful librarian’s review of INDEPENDENT DAMES. Although the publisher put "grades 2-6" on the jacket, I have long argued that it is perfect for middle school classrooms that are studying the American Revolution. This teacher agrees with me. What do you think?