We were delighted to learn this week that Speak: The Graphic Novel, illustrated by the amazing Emily Carroll, is on YALSA’s 2019 Great Graphic Novels for Teens list! Big thanks go out to the selection committee from Laurie for including it, and all of us here at Team Madwoman In the Forest highly encourage you to check the full list out — it’s an incredible group of titles.
SHOUT Preorder News (Plus Swag)
As you know, Laurie is hitting the road for the publication of SHOUT, and many of those events include a book as part of the ticket. We’ve got good news for those who can’t make an event but still want a signed copy — Children’s Book World will be handling signed preorders!
If you preorder through them, you’ll get a signed copy of SHOUT plus a limited edition tote bag. In addition, for every preorder of SHOUT by Laurie Halse Anderson received before 3/11, Penguin Young Readers will donate $1 to RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization (up to $5,000). So you can get a signed book, get some swag, and do some good all in one. Full details are right here.

SHOUT Together With Laurie On Tour!
We’re so excited to announce the details of Laurie’s tour this March and April! We hope you’ll join us to SHOUT together — details are on the Events page, and the full tour plus details is available right here.
Please note: due to the material Laurie will be discussing, these events are recommended for ages 13+. Most of them are ticketed, so do check out the links and “More info” for each event.