48 hours of antibiotics, asthma meds, and sleep is a very good thing. I’m still coughing, but I’m starting to feel not quite as dead. And my voice no longer resembles that of a 90-year-old man who smoked three packs a day.
When I wasn’t sleeping the last two days, I’ve watched bad TV (which usually put me back to sleep) and have tried to read. I’m working on The Game by Laurie R. King, one of my favorite mystery writers. I’ve also followed the news. Boy, do we live in a strange world! Couldn’t she just have called a time-out?
Here are some recent questions:
Sheen writes: i thought that your book {Catalyst was pretty cool, like how it was in the first-person perspective of a teenage girl obsessed with MIT….. well, i have a question….. i was reading your acknowledgment part of the book and when u were thanking “the rest of the world”, u mentioned linkin park on there somewhere….. i was just curious to know if u actually met them or if u just listen to their music and get inspired……. btw, i listen to their musik and i am writing a story myself which i was inspired by two things: the imaginary people in my head and linkin park musik (they rule!!!!) so i hope u can answer my question… thanx….
My daughter Meredith turned me on to Linkin Park a couple years ago. She took me to a concert for my birthday and we had a blast. I wish I could meet them (I’m sure Mer does, too). But I’m just a fangirl, like bazillions of others. Glad you liked Catalyst.
An anonymous reader writes: First, I want to say that Fever 1793 was one of the best books I’ve ever read. Second, I was wondering if it will ever become a movie, (I have some friends that don’t enjoy reading, and they have to hear the story!).
FEVER 1793 would be a great movie, IMHO, but no movie people have shown any interest in it. Yet.
Morgan recently saw me at her school. She writes: You are killing me. I can’t wait for Fever 1803. When I read Fever 1793 i was addicted, I “caught reading Fever,” as you said. Fever 1793 is the best book I have ever read. It’s my favorite book. Saying that Mattie and Nathaniel are going to get married saved me for a few days. You have to write the book NOW. I’M GOING TO DIE.
Yep, I’ve been thinking about a sequel to Fever, set ten years later. But it’s going to be a loooong time before I get to it because of other writing commitments. Please don’t die, Morgan. Go to the library and ask for some more historical fiction.
I also wanted to say “Hi” to Jessica H. from Sheepshead Bay – I’m really sorry you couldn’t join us. Thanks for the sweet note!
I’ll get to some questions about Speak tomorrow. Right now I need another nap.