Which one of my books will be on the New York Times Bestseller List on Sunday, 9/13?
Enjoy your weekend, dear friends.
Which one of my books will be on the New York Times Bestseller List on Sunday, 9/13?
Enjoy your weekend, dear friends.
I pulled most of the onions from the garden last night. Now they are "resting" (drying a bit) on a screen in the garage. Assuming I can figure out how to store them properly so they last through the winter, I am going to plant about ten time as many next year. They were totally maintainence free and I think they helped keep the pests down.
I have also started to pull my cranberry bean plants. They also have to dry in a dark, dry place for several weeks. (These are the kinds of beans you dry and then put into soup or chili in the winter.)
Alas, my tomatoes have been striken by the blight, though not as badly as some folks I know. I think this is because I planted heirloom seedings, not the kind you can buy in big box stores. I am busy roasting them and making salsa. I’m not sure if I have enough to make spaghetti sauce. I might pick up a couple crates of Romas to do that, if I can get all the other chores done. I have to destroy my blighted tomato plants and sterilize the earth they grew in to reduce the chances of having to deal with this next year.
My eggplants are trying. This is a little north to grow them easily, and the cool, rainy summer we had did not help their cause.
My basil is taking over the planet.
In other Forest news, BH almost has the floor done in my cottage. This has been a huge job. We started with 125-year-old floor boards, of various widths and lengths. He had to sand off 125 years of varnish and grime and figure out how to make them fit into the cottage, given that they had no uniformity at all. Now they are all in place. He should finish the final sanding today, then he’ll put a couple of coats of clear finish on it. We’re still waiting on the roofers to install the slate tiles on the roof.
Because I am so behind on work, we’re going to leave a lot of the finishing touches until next year. Right the goal is to get me in there so I can write!!
If you have no harvest to deal with, check out this article about the popularity of YA literature by author Paula Chase-Hyman. Stop by her blog, too.
Oh, september, how I have longed for thee!
I have a chapter to work on today. If I get it done before the sun goes down, I’m going to harvest more basil and make enough pesto to get us through the winter.
(Note to self: ask husband when the wood splitter is coming…)
A few links to amuse and enlighten you whilst I pick and peck away.
Swati Avasthi (remember that name!) has written about meeting me (which made me blush), and also posted an interview with me on her new blog,
Are you feeling brave this morning? Fortified by your beverage of choice? Taken all your meds? Then hike over to The Intern’s Blog for a cold dose of publlshing reality delivered with wicked snark and honesty.
And finally, weigh in with your opinions: what if independent bookselling were like professional football?