Eating in Greenpoint

Ready to dash off to meetings, but wanted to share some pics from yesterday first.

I flew to NYC and met up with daughter Bookavore so she could show me her new world.

She lives close to this amazing bakery.

When you already have a tattoo that matches the name of your bookstore, it’s a sign you should be working there.

Greenpoint is a largely Polish neighborhood, which was very cool because I had such a good time in Warsaw a couple of years ago. This is where we ate lunch.

This is what lunch looked like. The name of it, loosely translated, is “Polish comfort food, with sauerkraut.” Very yummy.

Also yummy was the sheep’s milk yogurt I had at breakfast.

Off to the meetings. And no, I am not wearing a flannel shirt.

10 Replies to “Eating in Greenpoint”

  1. Oh my gosh, that’s my neighborhood! Word is the best little indie ever, and the donuts from Peter Pan have kept me happy for seven years and counting 🙂

  2. I just gave my niece SPEAK and I told her mother to read it as well. I loved it and I’m thirty-three, my mom loved it and she is sixty. I believe every girl should read this book. I can’t wait for my step-daughter to read it, I will see her in a couple of weeks. I just started CATALYST and so far I am hooked. WINTERGIRLS will be next.

  3. 🙂

    Hey I have read so far all of your books except twisted which i am looking forward to very much and winter girls. I am a very big fan of you and your books and you are an inspiration to me. I hope someday to become a successful writer like you and get to make money while doing something i enjoy. And who wouldn’t love that??? 🙂

    Anyways keep up the good work

    Kaylyn, 13

  4. A bakery and a bookstore = heaven!

    Looks like you had a great visit with your daughter. I’m going to see mine tomorrow evening at her college and can’t wait.

  5. Greenpoint is amazing and so is its food. That is the area Ian and I had hoped to move to, but the apartment prices are getting a bit lofty there. If we lived closer we’d get to Word more often, but I have a small list of books to get from there once I get employed.

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