Various characters from AUTHOR’S latest novel swarm the beach in front of the mythical CAVE OF REVISION. Helicopters swoop by low enough to cause sand to swirl and whitecaps to form on the water.
The opening chords of Richard Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries” plays loudly from hidden speakers.
Activity on beach freezes as AUTHOR steps out of CAVE OF REVISION, clutching manuscript pages in her hands.
Ink, friend. Nothing else in the world smells like that.
I love the smell of ink in the morning.
with apologies to Francis Ford Coppola and John Milius
Haha, that was fantastic!
Kick butt!
I’m giggling my brains out at this vision, mostly because I didn’t have to look up “Ride of the Valkyries” to complete the scene. Opera-dork on the loose!
congrats on getting the revision done! can’t wait to read independent dames soon! =) ♥
Apocalypse Now just makes it even better.
You crack me up. Glad you are back in the light.
*stands and starts slow clap* Congratulations!
Congratulations on another successful sortie into the COR!
THAT’S funny!!!!!!