I’ve been meaning to post a link to this for months.
Agnes Irwin, one of my favorite schools in the country, started the Dream Flags Project in 2003. It has blossomed and grown.
Teachers who are looking for an excellent project next year that revolves around themes of peace, poetry, art, and ways to connect with other schools – this is what you’re looking for.
But really, everyone should take a peek. It will make you smile.
Big kudos to teachers Jeff Harlan and Sandy Crow who are the godparents of this special project!
Laurie, My name is Patrick Campbell and I am doing an author report on you and your novels for a Young Adult Literature class at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. I have found your main website, Writerlady.com to be very helpful (it is actually where I found the link for this site). But I would like to add a more personal touch to my report. I have found out a little about your life, influences and books, but I was wondering what makes you tick? If you could tell a class of 20 future teachers one thing about yourself, what would it be? You can post your comment on here, as I will be checking out your site often now, or feel free to email me at pcampbell@mail.unomaha.edu My report is on Monday, July third, but if you can’t get back to me by then, that’s okay. I would still like to know a little bit more about you. Thanks for your time.
Patrick Campbell
As a first year teacher I appreciate your willingness to point out such interesting projects and helpful sites. I have really learned from the Fever website you linked a few entries back and this Dream Flags sounds so exciting. Thanks for the help.
What a great project! Thanks for sharing this info
Myspace popularity
I randomly decided to look up Melinda Sordino on myspace- and guess what? There’s like 20 of them!!! It was pretty interesting to look through and see what they had written about the book and such…
Laurie, this is Olivia. 🙂 Thanks so much for telling me that – I didn’t realize! I didn’t want to send the address publicly, so I put myself as anonymous (my LJ is kitkat74).
The address is:
Olivia Loving
400 N. Flagler Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Again, thank you so much for signing the book – that really means a lot and I admire your writing. Thank you!! Oh, and please don’t put this on your comment section because I wouldn’t want my address there. But thank you again. =) Oh yes, and I want to tell you that I talked to you a while ago about my Short Story contest – it was a few months ago, I think, and I recently won the prize, so I was happy about that. ^^ Thanks for being a great role model. ^__^ Have a good summer!
I gave you the address anonymously – thank you so much for informing me about that! =)
From Sam
Hi. I’m 13 and I love to read and write. I really admire your work. I read Speak and I loved it. I want to read all of your books. It’s amazing how you brought Melinda so, well, alive. It took me 3 days to read and when I wasn’t reading it I almost felt depressed because I was so into it I felt like I was her. It probably sounds crazy, but I’m totally serious. I had to remind myself that I was me and not some fictional character. I’ve always wanted to publish a novel, and I’ve started about six. I usually get to the second chapter when a new story pops into my head and I get sidetracked and bored with the story I am writing. How can you keep the spark alive? If you have the time, (and I comepletely understand if you don’t) I’d love for you to email me some advise. My email is mochafrappe@comcast.net. I hope to hear from you!
Re: Speak
Thank you!!!