I gutted out today’s school visit (thank you, Lenape and sorry about the frog voice) but I felt like the walking dead when it was over. I knew I had more than just a cold. The beastly germs in my lungs were churning up a foul brew, the color of which you do not want me to describe. And it was getting hard to breathe.
Doctor’s diagnosis: nasty bronchitis, complicated by asthma.
Doctor’s advice: crank up the asthma meds, add a few others, lots of water, rest, and do not – under any circumstances – go to the conference in Maryland this weekend.
So both my body and my spirit feel really bad. I hate, hate, hate being sick, but it feels awful to have to back out of an engagement at the last minute. If I had any energy, I would rant and rage. But I don’t, so I won’t.
The last time I got sick like this, I ignored the doctor. That’s the time I wound up in the hospital, and it set off a chain reaction of illnesses that lasted more than two years.
So I am following the doctor’s advice.
*coughs up lung*
*stops grumbling*
Good for you for taking care of yourself.
I’m sorry you’re sick and frustrated, but I hope you get well quickly!
Good for you for taking care of yourself.
I’m sorry you’re sick and frustrated, but I hope you get well quickly!
Good for you for taking care of yourself.
I’m sorry you’re sick and frustrated, but I hope you get well quickly!
hey there
hi Laurie, i’m Danielle, i just met you in the New London High school. I was VERY excited to meet you, i worked pretty hard to get ya there, so i was so excited. And so was my librarian/friend Ms. Linyak. well, i’m really prayin that you get better! I HATE being sick too! yuckie! thanks for your autograph and for giving me this journal address!
hey there
hi Laurie, i’m Danielle, i just met you in the New London High school. I was VERY excited to meet you, i worked pretty hard to get ya there, so i was so excited. And so was my librarian/friend Ms. Linyak. well, i’m really prayin that you get better! I HATE being sick too! yuckie! thanks for your autograph and for giving me this journal address!
hey there
hi Laurie, i’m Danielle, i just met you in the New London High school. I was VERY excited to meet you, i worked pretty hard to get ya there, so i was so excited. And so was my librarian/friend Ms. Linyak. well, i’m really prayin that you get better! I HATE being sick too! yuckie! thanks for your autograph and for giving me this journal address!
feel better!
feel better!
feel better!
Feel better!
Feel better!
Feel better!
Aww, hun’! Take care of yourself!!!
Sorry to act like a mom there, but i always do.
My mom has that right now and is getting over it.. its taken almost two weeks. *gives her some hot water with honey and lemon juice* Lots of rest. I know i will understand if i don’t see you on here for a couple days, as you WILL be in bed.
Aww, hun’! Take care of yourself!!!
Sorry to act like a mom there, but i always do.
My mom has that right now and is getting over it.. its taken almost two weeks. *gives her some hot water with honey and lemon juice* Lots of rest. I know i will understand if i don’t see you on here for a couple days, as you WILL be in bed.
Aww, hun’! Take care of yourself!!!
Sorry to act like a mom there, but i always do.
My mom has that right now and is getting over it.. its taken almost two weeks. *gives her some hot water with honey and lemon juice* Lots of rest. I know i will understand if i don’t see you on here for a couple days, as you WILL be in bed.
Awww! Take it easy, Laurie! I hope you feel better soon!
Awww! Take it easy, Laurie! I hope you feel better soon!
Awww! Take it easy, Laurie! I hope you feel better soon!
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
Close the blinds, set the humidifier on high, pump your body with fluids, and sleep the weekend away! I swear it’s the airplanes and their re-circulated air. Try Airborne the next time you fly and don’t turn on the fan over your head on the plane. I sound like your mother, but I just want you to feel better! Does BH have some chicken soup for you? My best to him today.
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
Close the blinds, set the humidifier on high, pump your body with fluids, and sleep the weekend away! I swear it’s the airplanes and their re-circulated air. Try Airborne the next time you fly and don’t turn on the fan over your head on the plane. I sound like your mother, but I just want you to feel better! Does BH have some chicken soup for you? My best to him today.
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
Close the blinds, set the humidifier on high, pump your body with fluids, and sleep the weekend away! I swear it’s the airplanes and their re-circulated air. Try Airborne the next time you fly and don’t turn on the fan over your head on the plane. I sound like your mother, but I just want you to feel better! Does BH have some chicken soup for you? My best to him today.
i got sick too. like at the same time you did. weird.
i got sick too. like at the same time you did. weird.
i got sick too. like at the same time you did. weird.
Hope you feel better. . .
Hope one of us at Lenape didn’t add more to your plate of sickness. Thanks for coming by though. Just thought id let you know that you really connected to me personally with your interesting stories and life lessons. Its always good to know someone out there felt the same way as i do going through school right now. Thanks again!
Hope you feel better. . .
Hope one of us at Lenape didn’t add more to your plate of sickness. Thanks for coming by though. Just thought id let you know that you really connected to me personally with your interesting stories and life lessons. Its always good to know someone out there felt the same way as i do going through school right now. Thanks again!
Hope you feel better. . .
Hope one of us at Lenape didn’t add more to your plate of sickness. Thanks for coming by though. Just thought id let you know that you really connected to me personally with your interesting stories and life lessons. Its always good to know someone out there felt the same way as i do going through school right now. Thanks again!
Re: Hope you feel better. . .
No worries. This is definately a pre-Lenape bug! Thanks for writing.
Re: Hope you feel better. . .
No worries. This is definately a pre-Lenape bug! Thanks for writing.
Re: Hope you feel better. . .
No worries. This is definately a pre-Lenape bug! Thanks for writing.
Re: hey there
Thank you, Danielle. I loved your school!
Re: hey there
Thank you, Danielle. I loved your school!
Re: hey there
Thank you, Danielle. I loved your school!