Thank you, thank you everyone who helped out with the playlists for PROM and CATALYST! I really appreciate it. (kmessner can you send me an address so I can write a note to Kianna, Eunice, Amy, Caitlin and Kadijah?)
A couple of the suggestions are books that are on the playlist for my YA WIP, so I am holding them in reserve.
The weekend flew by. We had Christmas #3 with Daughter #1, which was delightful. Now we have to finally take down the Christmas decorations, which is a little melancholy. My mom’s birthday is Tuesday, but as we had a couple of her granddaughters here over the weekend, we had a little party for her last night. Watching Mom’s face light up is one of the most beautiful sights in the world. We’re taking her out breakfast this morning, too.
The weather is disgusting. We’re getting up to 60 degrees today and going to have rain. Peh. It’s January – I want snow so I can snuggle down with library books and hot chocolate. (Though I must admit I am happy that Daughter #1 will have nice driving weather.)
I have to get some writing done before the family wakes up.
How was your weekend?