Thanks to all the kind souls who gently pointed out that I got my days messed up last week. This is August the 10th (June the 71st for some) so we’ve been working on the Write Fifteen Minutes a Day Challenge for ten days now. Only 21 days to go.
I spent all day and half the night Saturday staining the cedar boards for the exterior of my writing cottage. Yesterday, we finally took a fun day at the Sterling Renaissance Festival.
Yes, turkey legs were devoured.
And there was much kissing and making of the merry. Huzzah!
Today’s advice: "I
Today’s prompt: I’m going to give you a magic phrase. Write about whatever that phrase conjures up for either you or a character.
Imagine you (or your character) are alone …. at night. You select the setting. Think about your (character’s) emotional state BEFORE you scroll down to the phrase. Visualize what you are wearing, what is feels to wear that. What can you hear? Smell? Magnify your emotional state, ramp it up. Why are you feeling this way?
Do you have all these details in mind? Has the dog been let out, kids are busy, phone and email are turned off?
Then you can scroll down for your phrase….
Keep scrolling……
Almost there!………….
Magic phrase = HEAT LIGHTNING