Welcome to sunny Mexico (NY)!

Lake Effect, Day 3.

The guy who was supposed to plow us out yesterday did indeed get his plow stuck. Lots of plows got stuck around here Tuesday. In fact, our village of Mexico went national on the Weather Channel because we got 57 inches of snow. Yeah, you read that correctly. 57 inches.

Take a peek at more photos sent to Channel 9 News from my neck of the woods. (Oswego is 12 miles away, Scriba about 6 miles (west), New Haven is a stone’s throw, Mexico, the back yard, and Parish is 6 miles (east).) Thanks to my little sister, Lisa, for the heads-up on the link.

By dinner time, I had cut a path about half-way down the driveway with my snowshoes. And then it snowed again last night. And we’re supposed to get another foot today, and possibly an additional foot tomorrow. No, I am not making this up. This is the Snow Belt. If weather like this were to hit Philly, the area would be crippled for a month. People here are prepared for it and view snow as a part of life. If you don’t like it, you should probably move south.

We have a friend with a payloader who will try to clear out the driveway today. I’ll let you know how that goes.

In the meantime, I’ll tunnel back into the paperwork on my desk, play music loudly (it will help shake the snow off the roof) and wear sunscreen and layers of wool whenever I go outside. (Current temp with wind chill -7 degrees.) I have to say, it is absolutley beautiful outside… this is better than Norway, Switzerland, or Colorado, plus it doesn’t cost as much to live here, and we don’t have snotty people.

This is my corner of heaven; chilly but breath-taking.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Welcome to sunny Mexico (NY)! (This is what the front woods looked like as the sun headed west yesterday afternoon.)

Mother Nature, looking fab in a long white coat

Welcome to the snowbelt!!

In the past 48 hours, we’ve had a little more than four feet of snow fall, most of it arriving last night. When BH opened the garage this morning to let the dog out, she looked at the wall of snow facing her, looked at him, and said “What? You want me to go into that?” BH had to dig a trench so she could go out and do her business.

Pretty much everything is closed up here; schools, governments, stores, trains, roads. Not that it matters – we can’t get out our driveway, which is very, very long. We have a guy who plows it. We’re pretty sure he can’t get out of his driveway, either.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Will the birds find the feeder?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic View out my office window (which is in the attic) to the roof of the garage.

Oh, and it’s still snowing; a couple inches an hour. Today I am going to continue cleaning the office, and put on the snowshoes and tramp down a potty path for the dog. (I’ll let you know how that goes.)

I think I will also write poetry. It is beyond peaceful here. I love winter.

caring for a knee

Yesterday a nice doctor drilled three holes into the right knee of my Beloved Husband. He had permission to do this, of course, and had accommodated BH by giving him a shot before the operation that allowed him float away to happy land on the bubbles.

Between the driving, and the drilling, and mucking around once actually inside the knee (doc found pieces of machinery, old engine parts, misplaced chain saws, all kinds of debris messing up the works), and waiting for the happy land feeling to fade away, and the drive home in a lake effect storm, and the settling in, not a lot was written yesterday. However, I brought my computer to the waiting room and was able to untangle what I think is the last of the plot knots towards the book’s end.

Today will be spent on the couch next to BH, fetching ice and pillows for The Knee.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The Knee rests.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The Knee uncovered.

I will also be taking very good care of the BH who is attached to The Knee.

And writing. And tending the fire.

(If you ever read a book of mine in which a character has knee surgery, now you’ll know where it came from.)

PS – I would love some bookseller opinion about the article in the CSM about new indie bookstores opening.

Happy birthday, !!