Snow update

According to the radio, our town (Mexico, NY) has had 57 inches of snow in the past day and night.

So I was sitting at my desk, which was absolutely covered in receipts that I have to organize so I can prepare my taxes….

Image and video hosting by TinyPic …. it was not a pretty site.

All the while, the wind outside was whispering my name. It was too beautiful to stay inside. So I bundled up, strapped on the snowshoes, and ventured forth.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic We’ll need to shovel the roof soon.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic BH very carefully exercising The Knee (yeah, he had surgery a week ago).

Image and video hosting by TinyPic The Creature With Fangs gets into the action.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic I blazed a trail around the house with my snowshoes, she raced around it like a crazy dog.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic She also liked diving in and digging tunnels.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Girl and dog.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic North country author at play.

25 Replies to “Snow update”

  1. this is what it’s like in oswego right now.
    we can baely see across the street!

    i can’t remember a time when bill gave us a snow day, let alone Two of them!

  2. Those pictures are awesome!! We don’t have nearly that much snow down here in Syracuse. CWF is clearly having soooo much fun 🙂

  3. I live in Mexico too and the roads were so bad around my house that the snow plow went into the ditch across the street.

    I love snowdays, but I’m not a huge fan of shoveling out the driveway all morning!

  4. You make being snowbound look so very inviting. I Want to Be Trapped in Mexico. ;>

    Please tell BH to take it easy on the knee. Let the Creature clear the paths with her fangs. ;}


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