Why are we having champagne so early? Because my assistant Queen Louise has been working here (and vastly improving our lives) for one entire year!!
In addition, we are celebrating the publication of WINTERGIRLS in Australia and Norway (where it is called VINTERJENTER).
A small version of the Australian cover. The picture was painted by a high school girl, which is doubly cool because the face on the US cover is a photo taken by a high school guy in Canada.
Part of the Norwegian cover. It looks like my Norwegian publisher, Cappelen Damm, is seeking book bloggers. I imagine the ability to read and write in Norwegian is important.
To round out today’s WINTERGIRLS coverage, the Washington Post ran a very nice review of the book last week, it was nominated for the Indies Choice Award, it was named to the 2010 Capitol Choices Noteworthy Books for Children in the (Ages 14 and up category) and was chosen for inclusion in the 2010 Kansas State Reading Circle Catalog (Senior High School) with a starred rating.
Tomorrow’s news…. I sent in my seed order!