I was planning on repeating last July’s Write 15 Minutes A Day Challenge (WFMAD), but between my mother’s death and some other complicated family business that needs to remain in the family, it’s not going to happen this month.
As a matter of fact, I am not ready for July at all.
Therefore, I declare today to be June 31st in the Forest. Tomorrow shall be June 32nd. Friday? Right, June 33rd. And there will be fireworks on June 34th.
If all goes, well, I’ll be ready to hold the Write 15 Minutes A Day Challenge the day after June 61st, also known as August 1st. Want to join in? Check out last year’s details and tell me what you think.
In the meantime, get yourself over the Penguin Books new video site, loaded with oodles of authors videos, including moi.