Did you win a tee-shirt?


Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment on my WFMAD blogs in the past month. As promised, four of you won Mad Woman in the Forest tee-shirts!

Drum roll, please!

Alison Wuthrich

Southern Self (on LiveJournal)

Bel (aka Itsy Bitsy Monkey)

And Katherine Quimby Johnson won the grand prize, a tee-shirt and my last ARC of FORGE

Will each of you please email queenlouise AT madwomanintheforest DOT com so we can get your shirt to you?

Off to write now…




4 Replies to “Did you win a tee-shirt?”

  1. I am almost speechless! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (For WFMAD, for the t-shirt, for the ARC.)

    Most of all, thank you for the inspiration and support.

  2. No, I didn’t win a tee-shirt, but I won something of infinitely more value: I learned that I can write and teach. In the past, I have always shelved my writing dream with the start of school in August. Summers are never long enough to accomplish much, so the dream has lain dormant. This year, though, I have started my twelfth year of teaching 8th grade language arts, and I am still writing. With just fifteen minutes a day, I keep adding words to the first draft of my first novel. Yep, it sucks. I have so much more empathy for my students (except most of them think first drafts are great). I missed a few days–life does happen, but instead of quitting, I picked up my pen the next day. Thank you for hosting this challenge. I will continue writing, a little bit at a time, until it is done. Then it’s on to the next project already bubbling in the back of my brain. Maybe in another 10 years I’ll get to see my work in print, too. Until then, I keep recommeding your books to my students. They love them!

  3. Words just flowed, a few moments ago. Only three quarters of a page, but it’s a start – a gentle push back onto the writing road I somehow strayed from. Just thought you should know, because I think WFMAD is completely responsible. Thank you.

  4. I came to check this site out for the first time in a while at the beginning of September, so I missed WFMAD. Still, I’ve decided after seeing this that I need to set some goals so I can actually write and maybe even finish my first novel… wow, just seeing this got me writing again for the first time in forever! Thanks!
    And congrats to the winners 🙂

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