Summer is hurrying to a close. I saw geese migrating a few days ago and when we were running last night, we passed a huge flock of birds gathered on the phone wires; the equivalent of people flooding an airline terminal as they prepare to fly to Florida for the winter.
I’m bummed because I am so busy with writing and getting ready for October’s booktour, it doesn’t look like I’ll have time for any canning this year. ::pouts::
Good thing I made a lot of jam two years ago!
I’ve had a couple of tabs open that need to be closed. First, a review of the Spanish version of WINTERGIRLS, Frío. The author of the post loved the book, saying “Me ha encantado. Me ha emocionado. Me ha hecho llorar…. Frío es una historia dura y real.” She also has the following to say about the publisher’s decision to change the title:
“Puedo entender que cambien los títulos al traducir los libros porque en la lengua origen puede sonar genial pero no en la lengua meta, pero ¿tan mal sonaría “Chicas de hielo”? El libro se titula Wintergirls, lo que en realidad sería Chicas de invierno (vale, ése no suena tan bien), pero si durante toda la novela Wintergirls ha sido traducido como Chicas de hielo, ¿por qué no lo han hecho también en el título? Frío me gusta, pero, a mi modo de ver, ese título no dice nada de la novela, no tiene nada que ver con la historia. Chicas de hielo, por el contrario, es, simplemente perfecto y precioso. Pero bueno, aparte de esto, recomiendo esta novela al 100%.”
I agree!
Next, the poem I wrote about reader’s reactions to SPEAK was featured on the website for Grrl Power! Girls Studies at UCF.
And last, BUT NOT LEAST AT ALL, FORGE made the Autumn 2010 Children’s Indie Next List!
“This is the moment when faith is called for. Faith in the creative spirit within me, which is part of what I’ve been given by God; faith in the process, faith in my intelligence and my imagination… I suit up and show up. I sit down at the computer and I do the work, moving it forward a sentance at a time, which is ultimately the only way there is to write a book.” Elizabeth George
Set… dig a hole in the ground and bury your doubts. Cover them with salt and then spit on them. Now that you have put your doubts where they belong, you can write.
Today’s prompt:
I had an interesting Twitter exchange with a reader yesterday about book pirating. She had tweeted about an illegal download site where her friends could get stolen copies of my books. I wrote to her and asked her to direct her friends instead to the library where they could read free books that had been purchased, not stolen. She wrote back:
“I don’t steal books, just that one.”
That, my friends, is an awesome line. (Even though it frustrates the hell out of me.) And it sparked today’s prompt.
Which rules (big or small) does your character break when no one is watching her? Which rules would she break if she knew she would never be caught? OR which rules would YOU break if there were no consequence?
Write a scene in which your character breaks those rules. Extra points – write another scene in which she gets caught anyway. How will she react? What is so important to her, she is willing to risk something for it?
Scribble… Scribble…. Scribble!!!
In one of my WIPs (young adult), my character steals, and so I had him getting caught for this prompt, curious to see how he would react.
I have always imagined that he would follow the instructions of the officer who catches him. Uncomfortable as it would be.
Today, I let him react the way he wanted to, and he surprised me.
I had been trying to manipulate him into obeying authority, but clearly, that is not who he is. At least, that is what I learned today in my thirty minutes following the prompt.
Thank you, Laurie, for pushing me to let go.
I loved hearing you read your poem, Laurie. It speaks volumes. What a wonderful blessing to have crafted your art in writing to the point that it touches the heart of a reader and powerfully changes them along the way.
Thank you for sharing your heart today. I can only imagine what people are thinking when they choose to rob, lie or cheat another. I love how you reframed your frustration into a writing prompt! Way to go girl! Sending you a cyber-pat on the back and a big round of applause.
I was able to write about my character breaking the rule, getting caught and her reaction to consequences offered to her. In this scene love is ruling my character’s decision to risk it all. When she discovers that her love for the person whose rule she broke was stronger and she was offered a way out with no consequence to her actions, she choose to return to following the rule. At least for this scene. LOL
Today was the best day of writing. Period.
The prompt jumped at me faster than a spidermonkey. It grabbed my hair and forced the pencil to create words I never thought were possible with such a simple, yet complex, promt.
Thank you truly Laurie. I felt so inspired today.
Ach. I had to be at school today figuring out the library class schedule.
Heading to write now. The prompt is perfect for where I am in my WIP.
So uh, I haven’t had anything particularly contributive to add to the blog, just soaking it up and writing with intention every day. As my “real” job becomes more real (school is starting soon!) my brain is getting crowded with the “musts” and “shoulds” and it’s cramping my creativity. I’m still running (and there is beginning to be less of me already) and still writing. I’m the bulldog after the “fear” piece that I nearly buried out in the yard. Just a bit more work and then I plan to love it. It’s one for posterity–cause they’ll probably be the only ones still speaking to me after this leaves my hands. If you feel a tremor in the ground, that’s just this thing that I have written, making it’s mark.
Huzzah for Laurie!
I’m the girl who wrote the review about Frío, the spanish version of Wintergirls. I had no idea that the review had been published here and I’m so excited to see it. I’m happy because you loved the review… I really loved the book and, as I said in the review, it has been the best book than I’ve read in lots of months.
Thanks so much – obviously I loved the review. You did a fantastic job with it.