I’m thinking of making Sunday into video day on my blog. What do you think?
Here’s a video that was sent to me by Tony, who is a future English teacher (student teaching this fall) in Pennsylvania. He wrote this song based on SPEAK and the stories of some friends of his who were raped.
If you want to tell Tony what you think about this, go to his YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/fattloc
I took the book speak out of the library and absolutely loved it. It was the platinum edition and when i saw the movie i watched carefully but i couldn’t figure out which famous teen movie was payed homage to in the cafeteria scene. I was hoping you could help me out. I thought that this book was absolutely great and that it really showed you how alot of kids think. It’s true.
Thank you so much, Ashley
Hi. I’m a recovering Melinda about to go into my senior year of high school.
I want you to know, Laurie Anderson, that Speak literally saved my life. While reading the book and watching the movie, I felt like I was looking into a mirror. It was the wierdest thing ever. She and I have…or had… so many of the same thoughts, problems, and ways of acting. I was raped and have issues at home too. I was considering killing myself when I read your book. Now I’m slowly but surely waking up. It still hurts a lot, but the book and the movie got me to open up a little to a friend, and I know now I can suck it up and SPEAK.
I’ve always wanted to write scripts, lyrics and music for plays, but I was never sure that I could use art to reach out to people. Hearing songs like this and reading amazing books like Speak have shown me that people really can use art to help others.
I didn’t really know where to put this comment, but I really hope this gets read because I really want you to know that Speak helped me out more than I can explain. I don’t know how any adult could paint such a ridiculously accurate picture of high school, but I guess there are some great adults out there after all. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Holly Nicole