WINTERGIRLS comes out in 10 days!!!!
::pauses to breathe into paper bag::
To celebrate, we’ve decided to have a contest. A simple contest. A fast contest.
The prize is a laptop skin with the WINTERGIRLS cover image on it. Don’t know what a laptop skin is? We’re ordering them from Skinit – their website explains everything. If you win, you’ll tell us what kind of laptop or phone you want the skin for. We’ll take care of the ordering and have the skin shipped to you.
Contest Rules: All you have to do is send an email to laurie AT writerlady DOT com. Put “WINTERGIRLS Contest” in the subject line. Only one entry per person, please!
Contest starts at noon (EST) today, 3/9/09, and runs until noon (EST) one week from today. At the close of the contest, we’ll put all of the entries in a bowl and pull out four winners. Winners will be notified using the email account they entered with, so please use a valid account.
Feel free to pass on news of this contest and post it to your own blog.
Last week Joe Hill declared that March is Love-Your-Small-Bookstore Month and I seconded the motion. To show my love to my local independent bookstore I went there Saturday night and bought a book for BH.
A couple of people wrote to me over the weekend bemoaning the fact that they don’t have a local indie bookstore. Never fear, good friends!! You can locate the closest store to you using Indiebound’s store locator.
Still can’t find one that is close-by? You probably didn’t know this, but most locals will ship your book to you, just as easily as A****n will. When you support small businesses this way, your dollar helps the community much more.
So… today’s marching orders:
1. Enter WINTERGIRLS contest.
2. Buy a book (or 5 or 20) from an independent bookstore.
Any questions?
WINTERGIRLS comes out in 10 days!!!!
::reaches for paper bag again::
Veeery excited for this book. I think it’ll be another one that speaks to generations, and hopefully brings hope and understanding to those in crisis.
I love the Love A Small Bookstore month, since I work at one. That makes me QUITE happy. We can always use the feet through the door!
Can I just have a laptop instead? lol
Is our local bookstore that you are so beautifully advertising going to be selling your new book?
Shhhhh…. they are already selling it!!! Run, don’t walk!
Sadly I have a test tonight and by the time I get out of class they will already be closed, but tomorrow I will go!! I cant wait!!