Whew! I’m still in a post-announcements daze. Uncle Simon and Aunt Schuster have made images of CHAINS sporting its pretty NBA and O’Dell hardware available. I cannot resist.
Yesterday brought two last bits of very-much appreciated news. CHAINS was named a 2009 Notable Book by ALSC and it made the YALSA Best Books for Young Adults list. Yes! Thank you!
I spent much of yesterday corresponding with my British publisher, answering interview questions and putting in my two cents about the proposed paperback cover. (Can’t wait to see what they do – their ideas are really interesting!) Ian, in charge of publicity, sent a new quote from over the pond.
“Chains is one of the most moving and striking books I have read in a long time; finally some thoughtful, stirring historical fiction for young adults … Anyone reading this brilliant book will be left beguiled and bewildered by her bravery as she suffers under slavery.” Waterstones Books Quarterly
I’ve never had any books that attracted much attention in the UK, so this is very exciting.
Today brings a jumble of tasks. I am still trying to clean up a particularly thorny chapter, I have to go to a recording studio and tape some stuff that will be included in the audio version of WINTERGIRLS, I have to do some things for my mom, WebGod Theo has been patiently waiting for some content from me and – best of all – I need to pack because tomorrow is the Kindling Words retreat and I can’t wait!!!!
Laurie, I’m so happy and proud for you!!
Congrats a thousand times over!
“beguiled and bewildered” – how excellent.
Congrats on making the lists (not that I’m at all surprised). And have big fun at Kindling Words!
I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU, Laurie!!! You deserve it all!!!!
Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for all your good news!!!
Hey Laurie –
Did you also see your book (and some other guy’s) was in the top four covers of 2008? S&S’ art team are REALLY happy right now!
My name is Margaret, and my friend Laurie bought a book for you to sign for me because I was sick and could not come. I’m sorry I missed you, but I am glad I got to see you at ALAN last year. Oh, and one of my students just started reading CHAINS. I can’t wait to hear his thoughts on it!
I think I’m going to take a night class with Terra McVoy, the manager of Little Shop of Stories in Decatur. Do you know her by chance? I have a draft of a YA fantasy novel right now and am reading some other books to get some ideas.
I have been lending your books to people a lot lately, and wanted you to know, having just come across your lj by accident. The publisher did a great job of the covers.