HAPPY TEEN READ WEEK! Don’t forget to vote for your favorite books!
Wouldn’t it be cool if some truly rich person (I’m looking at you, Bill Gates) decided to provide a gift certificate to every teenager in America to buy a book this week through an independent bookseller? If any of you are having dinner with Bill this week, try to work this suggestion into the conversation.
Sorry for being a day late with this, but check out the nightly author interviews at Readergirlz this week, put together in honor of Teen Read Week!
Today is the last day to nominate a book for the Cybils Award. If you read a book this year that you loved, click your way over there and share the title.
Speaking of voting and nominating type things, I am having a problem. I mailed in my application for my absentee ballot weeks ago. (I’ll be on book tour on Election Day.) The ballot has not arrived. We just called the Oswego County Board of Elections and they said the ballots haven’t arrived in their offices yet! What? WHAT? The ballots haven’t been printed up yet? When were they planning on doing this? How are they going to get to soldiers serving overseas in time? Is this incompetence or political shenanigans? I just fired off a few emails – stay tuned.
::takes deep yoga breath to calm self::
More CHAINS love! Language Arts teacher Sarah gives her opinion about the use of CHAINS in the classroom on her Reading Zone blog.
Don’t forget – I’m giving a sneak preview of my CHAINS tour presentation tonight at 7pm at the Barnes & Noble in Dewitt, NY, where I’ll be speaking at their Educators’ Appreciation Night.
I’ll leave you with a little more autumnal fire from up here on the tundra.