8 Replies to “oh, yeah”

  1. That gave me chills. I support Obama (but I can’t vote because I’m Canadian), and it’s from a fundamentally different viewpoint than what was written about. Yet the core of her piece–and the core of Obama’s message–is exactly what our goal should be. I didn’t know about that debate, but I’m glad I do now. Because not only is it nice to read, but it’s also personally inspiring.

  2. your book speak!

    Hey i’m readin your book speak right now, and Phile tole me he and kevin were good friends with you and to write you about your book. And that me brothers both went to New Orleans for the past two years with phile, I was told you donated money….very cool. Well I am really liking your book although i am on only on page 57, and people already ruined it for me telling me she gets raped. But your write is very good, its hard for me to even start reading, which is strange becasue reading is not my biggest hobby. Well write me back at pattyo11@optonline.net please

    -Patricia G.

  3. Thanks, this is great! I am printing it up and bringing it to the hardware store I work at–where people are constatntly bringing in articles that say things like: “why Hillary Clinton is the Devil!”, etc.

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