I am melting and other obvious facts

Remember how I moved up here because I love ice and snow? I’ll be crawling inside the freezer shortly. This will be the third day with sticky temperatures in the 90s. Ack. I hate heat. Ack. Ack. Ack.

I have a couple of freshly-chilled links to distract you, if you are sticking to your chair the way I am sticking to mine this morning.

My local newspaper, the Post Standard, has a nice article about our upcoming half-marathon and how I became a runner. You can see photos of BH and I running, plus additional bits from the interview on Shelf Life , the newspaper’s book blog.(Yes, I am very proud to live in a region where the newspaper has a reporter who covers books AND a book blog!)

Richie Partington has written a wonderful and moving review of CHAINS.

The Mad Woman in the Forest Writing Challenge starts July 1. If you’ll be joining us, it’s time to sharpen your pencils. In preparation, I’m going to recommend you check out a few books about the business of writing and the artistic process. If you want to publish a book for kids or teenagers, I really think you should buy Harold Underdown’s Idiot’s Guide to Publishing Children’s Books, 3rd Edition. Seriously. You’ll read it until the covers fall off.

Office Mouse got the camera talking to the computer yesterday! (I am still learning how to size the photos correctly. Another obvious fact.) What do you want me to put on a video?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Here is the Creature With Fangs all dressed up for our anniversary last week.

Oh! And I can show you

Image and video hosting by TinyPic The lovely Erika Davis, owner of Creekside Books in Skaneateles.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Line of readers!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Bethy, came out, too! That’s her (the tiny one), her husband, their son, and me. Bethy and I were best friends when we were little kids.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Random shot of me in the garden a few weeks ago. Such glamor and sophistication.

11 Replies to “I am melting and other obvious facts”

  1. Ugh, the heat sucks here too. Been in the high 90’s for a few days now, and will continue.

    your dog is awesome 🙂

  2. Hi Laurie

    I just loved the articles about running. Best of luck to you and your hubby this weekend! In the article you mention that you are real slowwww runner. Me too! My husband on the other hand sounds much like yours, really fast. Do you and BH run together often? If so, does he slow down for you? My husband will actually run backwards to be more at “my pace”. It’s quite the sight to see us running along a country road together. He can also carry on an entire conversation, while I gasp and wheezy. But, at least I am out there! Here are to us slow pokes! Remember tortes and the hare?

    I am sorry I missed you at the Creekside in Skaneateles. I am huge fan and so is my 15 year old daughter. By the way, if you and BH are ever looking to listen to some great music, they have some terrific artist that play at the coffee shop next door. It would be well worth the drive on a lovely summer evening.

  3. Those are some great articles. Thanks for passing them along! 🙂

    It’s been warm here in Michigan, too, but we have the benefit of being between lakes to help with that. It’s basically been waking up to 70-degree heat, watching it inch up to 90 throughout the day, then BAM thunderstorm, back down to 75, cooling off into the night. There’s supposed to be a cold front coming through soon, though, so there is relief on the horizon!

    Question on the Complete Idiot’s Guide: does it focus more on children’s lit or YA lit? I was hoping for a review on the amazon page, but, alas, no such luck.

    Thanks for sharing with us as always! Good luck beating the heat — but the end is near!


  4. Thanks for sharing the articles and the pictures. I especially like the picture of you in the garden. You look very “Martha Stewart”.

  5. i was coming home from work the other night at 1am, and it was 98 degrees. eww. but thankfully now it’s storming, mayhaps the heatwave will break?

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