So after dwelling in the Cave of Revision (long hours, but a lot of fun, I must admit) I got up early on Monday morning and headed for the train station. Time to head to the Big City to meet with various editorial types.
Monday was a Simon and Schuster Day. (They publish my historical books.) Yesterday was a Viking Day, ending with a crowded and lively party to celebrate Viking’s 75th anniversary. It was one of those parties where you want to stop the clock because there are so many people to talk to and just not enough time.
Here is a small sampling. From the left, author Lizabeth Zindel, moi, Doug Whiteman, president of Penguin Books for Young Readers, Sarah Dessen aka writergrl whose new book Lock and Key hit stores yesterday, and author Susane Colisanto aka windowlight.
I also got a chance to meet the new author Madeline George, say hello to my agent, Amy, and bask in the glow cast by your ambassador and mine, Jon Scieszka.
I’m off to more S&S meetings right now, then I will attempt the ever-popular dash down the island of Manhattan to catch the late train out of Penn Station.
It’s better than taking a plane these days.
Authors and Poker
You guys look like a very good poker hand. Four of a kind with an Ace kicker. Looking forward to the hand off of gatoraid from Doug at our half marathon in Lake Placid.
Safe journey home. BH
You and Sarah Dessen in the same room?
That would be heaven for me.
Lizabeth is Paul’s daughter, isn’t she?
Any time spent with Jon is time well spent!
Will you be in Anaheim this year?
What great company!
Looks by George is really striking. I think you’ll like it, if you haven’t already read it!
Yes. Yes. And yes! You?
I’ve heard really good things about it, but since my new book is dealing with a piece of the same topic, I am staying away from it until I am done.
Best of luck with your work in progress!
I’m looking forward to it. Trying to find time to go to Disneyland in between all the ALA stuff!