
::lifts head from manuscript to see blog friends standing around::

Oh. Right.
Yay Jayhawks!!

I really do have a ton of great ideas for today’s post, but I have too much work to do.

Check back with me tomorrow, OK?

::sticks self back into story::

2 Replies to “Working”

  1. When I went on a Walk to Emmaus retreat several years ago, I had an awareness of others that didn’t seem unusual at the time. We were in a rather crowded room seated in table groups, working on a project. I looked up momentarily and noticed how extremely crowded the room had become. There were people standing around each table, behind each of us, watching over us. I vaguely and rather casually recognized they were not physically with us. They were just manifestations of our prayer partners, with us because somewhere they were praying for us. I returned to my work, and didn’t really think about what I had experienced until the end of the retreat. Maybe we’re all closer to each other than we normally think.

  2. I’ll check back tomorrow, but I do have one question. When you responded a few blog posts ago to one of your readers, you said this:

    I suggest you don’t major in creative writing, either, but take some of the classes if the professor has a good reputation with the other students.

    Why do you advise to not major in this? I was considering it for college but now I am not sure.

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