Ask me questions, please

This medicine the doc gave me is amazing. I am already feeling much better.

Sad, though, about the death of Arthur C. Clarke, whose books, along with Heinlein’s, helped me survive high school. Clarke lived to be 90 years old. I can’t begrudge him getting tired after a while.

I am putting the finishing touches on some stuff for the long overdue website overhaul. I need your help.

One page is just my Favorites: food, season, city, etc. What do you want to know?

Also, I am finally doing the FAQ. What Frequently Asked Questions do you want answered? What Infrequently Asked Questions?

Teachers – I think you should give extra points to any of your students who pose good questions here!

I’m not dead yet

In fact, this medicine is definitely helping. I don’t feel great, but I’ve stopped telling BH to order me a pretty coffin with built-in bookshelves. Thank you to everyone who made me laugh yesterday (and this morning, Jerry).

Congratulations are in order for one of my favorite YA librarians, Stephanie Squicciarini, from Fairport, NY. Stephanie is the genius and energy behind the fantastic Rochester Teen Book Festival, as well as one of those librarians able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. And she is one of the winners of the Library Journal’s 2008 Movers & Shakers Award. Brava!

More writing questions.

daimeera writes two questions: First: have you ever written a character (or more than one) whom you’ve personally disliked, but who has been popular with your readers? I ask because no matter how hard I try, I’m not particularly fond of one of my own characters, yet I’ve received feedback that she’s likable (admittedly few people have read the novel, but I was surprised to hear it at all).

Hard question. I don’t think many readers like Teri Litch, from CATALYST, but I really love her a lot. Some day I might a book from her POV. We’ll see. You might want to explore, on paper, why you don’t like this character. As you write about her, you’ll probably uncover more details and layers to her personality. Could be fun.

Two: do you feel it’s dangerous to begin a story with a character who isn’t immediately likable? I’ve heard mixed feelings on this; some people will put the book down within a few paragraphs, others are more intrigued by this type of character. Have you found it makes a difference, or do you have a personal preference?

There is no one correct way to do anything in writing. If you are worried about the impact of your opening, experiment with it. Write a couple of different openings and see how it affects the rest of the story, The most important thing is to write the book that you want to read.

TWISTED good news update: It was chosen for the Kansas State Reading Circle Recommended Reading List (Senior High/Young Adult). It’s also nominated for the Kansas Heartland Award, so thank you, Kansas!

In closing, Bookavore passes on an article about common faults in writing. Wrap your ego in armor before you read this one, fellow scribblers.


Doc says I have the flu.

I suspect he’s right. I also suspect I have a touch of bubonic plague and more than a little yellow fever as well. I’m taking the medicine he ordered and trying hard not to groan too loudly.

More good news about TWISTED came in, but it hurts to type so I will tell you tomorrow. Assuming tomorrow comes.

Tell me something funny. Please. I’m begging.

Test Post

I am trying very hard to make this AmazonConnect thingie work.

This is a test post to see if it is yet.

Go about your business, people. We’ll inform you when a truly interesting post appears. Probably tomorrow.

Slinkety Link Day

The lung dragon is threatening to attack again, I’m having trouble sleeping, and I have doctors’ appointments today. It snowed again yesterday. Just a little, but it was still snow.

I am officially Miss CrankyPants.

So instead of whining, I will give you fun links.

Stephanie Anderson writes Bookavore, a hell of a good book blog. She works at an independent bookstore and reads faster and more critically than anyone I know. Including me. And yes, she’s my oldest kid. So read her blog and link to it, OK?

Stef and Editorial Anonymous both pointed out an awesome site for writers in need of shirts.

At what age does childhood end?

Georgetown made it. Syracuse didn’t. I suspect that Sarah Dessen is itching to make our bet again and I’m so there. LET THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!

More good news? TWISTED was named as a New York Public Library Book for the Teen Age. If I could breathe, I’d be jumping up and down about this.

Last but nor least, today we celebrate my Irish ancestors who hopped the boat to escape the Famine.Thank you, Grandpa Donovan. It turned out well for us, didn’t it?