True this

I still believe, too.

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We’ve had almost three feet of snow in the last twenty-four hours. Needless to say, we’re staying home today.

scribble, scribble, scribble, scribble, scribble…..

10 Replies to “True this”

  1. I read this speech out loud every year on this day, but have not seen this footage in a very, very long time. Thank you for posting it.

    Loree Burns

  2. i’ve heard the whole speech but i’ve never seen it.
    thanks so much for posting this it was really inspirational. and it makes me wonder what other great things he would have done had he not been killed.

    i’m in oswego and we are pretty buried right now as well. stay warm and happy writing 🙂

  3. Wow, I’m glad thats on youtube for all to see if they havent before…

    I’ve got cold pictures on yesterdays LJ, but look at your house…yipes!

  4. Wow…three feet. I’m so jealous. We just had a BLIZZARD that shut down the city. Only here, a “blizzard” means 3 inches of snow in a day. And it’s all melted now.

  5. Pretty much the entire time I was home from Canton for Christmas/Winter vacation, there was very little to no snow at all on the ground… sadly enough, the snow was the one thing I have been missing from being home in Oswego (there’s like none up here in the north country… only freezing cold!)
    Of course, the day I leave we got that lovely snow storm. I was happy. For about the hour and a half we had to drive through it.

  6. I’ve just friended you, and now I’m going to start randomly popping up in your comments. be forewarned.
    thank you for this youtube link. I have restored faith in both that and the speech now. (My school chooses to call today Cultural Diversity Appreciation Day.)

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