Thanksgiving was the best ever in my whole life. Details to come when I get a photo to share with youse guys.
Today I’m off to the library to write, then off to the gym where, while sweating, I will figure out the next chapter.
While I am otherwise engaged, I figured the time had come to unveil the cover of my new book, TWISTED. It goes on sale mid-March, 2007, roughly 107 days from now.
drum roll, please…
What do you think?
I LIKE it!
Wow — talk about eye-catching!
oooh i love it! and i can’t wait!
That looks very intriguing. I know, don’t just a book by it’s cover, but I can’t help it sometimes!
Excellent! Absolutely grabbed my attention. Best wishes roughly 107 days from now!
Great cover! I can’t wait for it to be released!
I love this cover. I saw it a few days ago on and it only made me want to read the novel even more. (Did you check out the awesome review on He loved it, too.)
I like it. The red really pops against the black (how cliche was that?). The use of color and placement of the text is eye-catching and intriguing.
I like it! Looking forward to checking it out.
Love it! Who was the designer?
I can’t wait for Twisted to be released. I already have my order ready to go here at the library.
Nice cover, but even better is what lies beneath. I snagged an ARC a couple months ago and couldn’t put it down once I started reading. My wife also read it in one sitting. March is looking to be a very cool month.
No eye? I like it. I’d like it more if it were March already. Patience is not one of my virtues.
It’s a great cover! I actually got the Penguin people to send me an ARC – can’t wait to read it!
It’s beautiful! I love the red and the blue together. There’s no way I would NOT pick that book up if I saw it at the bookstore.
WOW. Gorgeous cover. Can’t wait to read.
Wowwee, that cover is awesome! Love it.
I love the cover. I like the black & white, with simple primaries red & blue. I can’t wait to read it! Speak was recommended to me and it’s what led me to start reading YA again after too many years!
P.S. Totally off the topic, my car was stolen and I had a I am Melinda button that you gave me when you came to visit the SLC Public Library (about two years ago now?) – are those buttons for sale on your website or anywhere?
Love it! *wringing hands in anticipation*
its a gorgeous cover, but it looks nothing like the covers of your other books(that i know of)… not sure how i feel about that… i liked that it was easy to spot a laurie book quicklyh and easily. oh well. good luck!!! really looking forward to it.
OMG! yay! I love this cover! Can’t wait to read the book, Laurie!! I love the bold colors together, it really makes a statement.
Astonishing… A lot different than your other books, but I do like it. I wonder when you will give us the scoop on what it’s about ::winkwink::
Your other books seemed to be mainly dealing with faces, or a boy, in Fever 1973. What caused the change in theme?
I’m not saying I dislike it in the least; I love it.
People seem to base books by their cover a lot of the time. I think this one will catch a lot of attention. :]
Niiice…it looks edgier than your other books’ covers. I cant freakin wait!
SNAZZY. And exciting.
Great cover. Wow. I need to read it now :B
Authors have little control over cover images. While this cover looks very different than my others (which I am glad about – this is my first book told from a guy’s POV), I think there are some similarities. But I don’t want to say what they are – I want to know what you guys think!
Great cover! I can’t wait until March! Must remember to go preorder at B&N to get it as soon as they do…
sounds so amazing.
I am going to have to tell my friends =)
cant wait for this to come out!!!
i own all your books.
love it!
Ooooh, that is way cool!
Your new book cover
That cover is, well, twisted … but in an exciting and i-cant-wait-to-read-it sort of way. Congratulations!
Loree Burns
your name is bigger than the title 🙂
My eighth grade students felt the cover wouldn’t make them want to read it. Sorry. We finished Fever 1793 and loved it.
so excited
Hi Laurie,
Just got a copy of the ALAN Review and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your piece. What a wonderful tribute to teachers and the magic of books (oh, and for the record, for those of us who’ve read your books, we know you ain’t so shabby with the magical wand yourself).
Thanks for your contribution to the world of books. ‘Looking forward to reading TWISTED!
Stacey Goldblatt
awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can’t wait to read twisted! =) ♥
hey me again
hey i cant wait!