Who is still in the Dance?

George Mason. George Mason?

::sighs deeply::

OK, this is the hand we’ve been dealt. I’m hoping for UCLA vs. Florida. (If that happens, cousin Sue, I’ll bet you a cup of tea that UCLA will win.) Big shout-out to my Georgetown boys for making us all proud to wear blue and grey again.

Is there life after basketball? Not really, unless you count the reading and writing stuff. I made it home from CA in one piece and will post photos of the gorgeous Cerritos library later. Today I’m writing WIP2 and when the right patch of shade hits the front lawn, I’m going to rake dead leaves and pick up sticks. BH says we might have a bonfire tonight. That will be cool.

Good news about Oklahoma – the concept of parental freedom to choose for their children might not be dead! Here is an update from an Oklahoma librarian, which I took from the ASIF blog:

“HB 2158 has been assigned to the education subcommittee of the appropriations committee of the State Senate. This committee has until April 7 to take action on the bill. If the measure comes out of committee and is scheduled for Senate debate, then we’ll be doing another letter/e-mail/phone call campaign to state senators. The good news is that the Senate leadership has assured our Oklahoma Library Association lobbyist that HB 2158 will not come out of committee — it may not even make it on an agenda for discussion. Administration tells us to remain “watchful” though, as the issue is far from over. While the bill might be dead, it is possible that another piece of legislation could be amended with the language of HB 2158.”

If you live in Oklahoma, please research this bill and contact your state representatives and senators with your opinion!!

Quote du jour: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

10 Replies to “Who is still in the Dance?”

  1. wait so im confused. im the “brand new regular” but i wanna make sure this is laurie halse anderson. wow do i feel blonde lol hmm i cant have a screen name….sooo…. u’ll know its me cuz i’ll sign off with um…adios!! lol yah thats right lol ok. yah so. sorry im not really into basketball lol im a soccer kinda person…but i still enjoy watching it. i cant play tho, height is sumthin i was not gifted with lol so, adios!! haha

  2. Have to say, I feel your March Madness pain. George Mason knocked us out of the tournament! But then Duke lost, which for a UNC fan is at least some comfort. Good luck with your bracket!

    hope all is well…

  3. George Who?

    I honestly didn’t have a problem with our men losing to Syracuse, but a college named GEORGE??? Yeesh. At least our UConn girls pulled it out in a squeaker over Georgia. Was anyone awake to see Barbara Turner hit that fade away 3 pointer to win the game? 33 total points for the game…maybe she DID learn something playing with Taurasi for all those years.

    Jan Kozlowski

  4. Well…I got to say that I am totally ecstatic with the way March Madness has turned out!

    Gators in the top four? I am STILL jumping up and down with joy and I don’t think I will stop till its game time and only because I will be too nervous to do any jumping!

    I feel for you though, us Gator fans know much of this heartbreak you are experiencing, and are unfortunately used to it.

    Just wanted to point out though that even though your teams didn’t make it you gotta love the NCAA tournament for the simple fact that the final four was completely unpredicted.

    Who wants predictable? Thats pretty boring to me. I loved that LSU beat Duke because who wouldnt? Well Duke fans, duh, lol.

    I’m hoping LSU beats UCLA because if we win against George Mason, we could totally beat LSU.

    Sorry for a such a long post but NOBODY I know cares about March Madness and I gotta let my energy out somehow!

  5. I’m pulling for LSU and UF (although this will cause a ton of tension in my family, which is made up of LSU fans/alumni and Gator fans/alumni). As for that game, I’m definitely pulling for the Tigers (or as ESPN has taken to calling them: The Brady Bunch). It’s against my FSU nature and LSU upbringing to root for the Gators.

    If George Mason beat UF, wow…I dunno.

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