Didn’t have time to post this morning because I was at the gym again. (Go me! Go me!) I was feeling really good about what I was doing on the treadmill – had a couple beads of sweat running down my face, not huffing too much – when I looked over at the elderly (70ish) lady on the treadmill beside me. She was not going as fast as I was, but she had been motoring along for a very, very long time. And then I had to stop because I was out of breath. So I stretched a little and decided to work out on the rowing machine (which I love). After ten minutes, I was sweating again, huffing and puffing, and the little old lady sat down on the rowing machine next to me. She had this look in her eye. She was going to dust me. This was more than my fragile middle-aged ego could take, so I moved over to the weight machines.
I have two new goals: to become at least as fit as that lady, and to continue to work out when I am that old.
Spent a couple of hours cleaning house with BH, worrying about the displaced hurricane folks, and then helping my mom and dad. Oh, and I tried to convince the Creature With Fangs that at 65 pounds, she is getting a little too big to be jumping on people. She was not convinced.
I am feeling guilty that I did not write today. I also feel guilty that this post has nothing about books or writing in it. So, here – go read up on Banned Books Week.