I dreamt last night that I was Kenyan, that I lived in a village and assisted a husband-and-wife team of doctors who brought medical care to people way out in the countryside. It was a very good life.
I was startled to wake up and find out that it was not my life at all.
ways of the ancients
Isn’t it amazing that all the people of the earth did not need to rely on modern medicine for all these years and had virtually no diseases that we have by living and eating the foods that nature provided?
Modern food sources are the bane of modern society, causing cancer, diabetes and a host of other illnesses not to mention overweight and obese children. Back in the day, people had plenty of exercise by hunting, gathering and farming. Making tools and other implements in order to live. They had no nitendo or sega genesis games, nor computers to waste meaningful hours of the day away. Yes, today we sit around typing on the computer screen and using every excuse in the book to not exercise and get out and enjoy the real world. We are trapped in virtual reality…..communities are falling apart, neighborhoods or da “hood”, as some intellectually inferior people would call it….are not the same any more. Today hipsters rule our youger generations thoughts while our older generation was fighting wars to keep our society free. Today these young “hipsters” have no clue what freedom stands for, they have no clue what blood was shed to give the the opportunities we have in the US, all they worry about is sex…drugs and .yes you guessed it…….RAP music.
ways of the ancients
Isn’t it amazing that all the people of the earth did not need to rely on modern medicine for all these years and had virtually no diseases that we have by living and eating the foods that nature provided?
Modern food sources are the bane of modern society, causing cancer, diabetes and a host of other illnesses not to mention overweight and obese children. Back in the day, people had plenty of exercise by hunting, gathering and farming. Making tools and other implements in order to live. They had no nitendo or sega genesis games, nor computers to waste meaningful hours of the day away. Yes, today we sit around typing on the computer screen and using every excuse in the book to not exercise and get out and enjoy the real world. We are trapped in virtual reality…..communities are falling apart, neighborhoods or da “hood”, as some intellectually inferior people would call it….are not the same any more. Today hipsters rule our youger generations thoughts while our older generation was fighting wars to keep our society free. Today these young “hipsters” have no clue what freedom stands for, they have no clue what blood was shed to give the the opportunities we have in the US, all they worry about is sex…drugs and .yes you guessed it…….RAP music.
ways of the ancients
Isn’t it amazing that all the people of the earth did not need to rely on modern medicine for all these years and had virtually no diseases that we have by living and eating the foods that nature provided?
Modern food sources are the bane of modern society, causing cancer, diabetes and a host of other illnesses not to mention overweight and obese children. Back in the day, people had plenty of exercise by hunting, gathering and farming. Making tools and other implements in order to live. They had no nitendo or sega genesis games, nor computers to waste meaningful hours of the day away. Yes, today we sit around typing on the computer screen and using every excuse in the book to not exercise and get out and enjoy the real world. We are trapped in virtual reality…..communities are falling apart, neighborhoods or da “hood”, as some intellectually inferior people would call it….are not the same any more. Today hipsters rule our youger generations thoughts while our older generation was fighting wars to keep our society free. Today these young “hipsters” have no clue what freedom stands for, they have no clue what blood was shed to give the the opportunities we have in the US, all they worry about is sex…drugs and .yes you guessed it…….RAP music.
Re: ways of the ancients
I agree with much of what you say.
However, I’d like to point out that the corporate honchos who run the music and multimedia industries that make so much money off of popular music are middle-aged and older. We have created our own monsters.
Re: ways of the ancients
I agree with much of what you say.
However, I’d like to point out that the corporate honchos who run the music and multimedia industries that make so much money off of popular music are middle-aged and older. We have created our own monsters.
Re: ways of the ancients
I agree with much of what you say.
However, I’d like to point out that the corporate honchos who run the music and multimedia industries that make so much money off of popular music are middle-aged and older. We have created our own monsters.
If John Kennedy were alive today, he’d be a Republican! Yes you heard me right, he believed in being involved in Viet-Nam to prevent the spread of communism to the free world, he funded the special forces in all branches and wanted to see Castro assasinated. He also liked his women, poor Jackie O, she took alot from this man. One thing he did not waver on was going to war, be it against Russia during the Cuban missle crisis or going to take down the Viet-Cog or any other coutry willing to stand in the way of world wode democracy. Remember we are not a true democracy, we are a representative democracy….we live in a Republic…modeled after Solon’s theories and studies by our founding fathers. Every country that had a liberal society.failed….Russia, North Korea and of course Cuba. Capatilism is the breeding ground for entreupenuers and business which stimulate the flow of cash and wealth into Nations. This then provides the opportunity for well yes…opportunity were any poor American can rise from the ashes OR welfare and accomplish anything they set their mind to. Long live capatilism and the nomination of John Roberts to the supreme court.
If John Kennedy were alive today, he’d be a Republican! Yes you heard me right, he believed in being involved in Viet-Nam to prevent the spread of communism to the free world, he funded the special forces in all branches and wanted to see Castro assasinated. He also liked his women, poor Jackie O, she took alot from this man. One thing he did not waver on was going to war, be it against Russia during the Cuban missle crisis or going to take down the Viet-Cog or any other coutry willing to stand in the way of world wode democracy. Remember we are not a true democracy, we are a representative democracy….we live in a Republic…modeled after Solon’s theories and studies by our founding fathers. Every country that had a liberal society.failed….Russia, North Korea and of course Cuba. Capatilism is the breeding ground for entreupenuers and business which stimulate the flow of cash and wealth into Nations. This then provides the opportunity for well yes…opportunity were any poor American can rise from the ashes OR welfare and accomplish anything they set their mind to. Long live capatilism and the nomination of John Roberts to the supreme court.
If John Kennedy were alive today, he’d be a Republican! Yes you heard me right, he believed in being involved in Viet-Nam to prevent the spread of communism to the free world, he funded the special forces in all branches and wanted to see Castro assasinated. He also liked his women, poor Jackie O, she took alot from this man. One thing he did not waver on was going to war, be it against Russia during the Cuban missle crisis or going to take down the Viet-Cog or any other coutry willing to stand in the way of world wode democracy. Remember we are not a true democracy, we are a representative democracy….we live in a Republic…modeled after Solon’s theories and studies by our founding fathers. Every country that had a liberal society.failed….Russia, North Korea and of course Cuba. Capatilism is the breeding ground for entreupenuers and business which stimulate the flow of cash and wealth into Nations. This then provides the opportunity for well yes…opportunity were any poor American can rise from the ashes OR welfare and accomplish anything they set their mind to. Long live capatilism and the nomination of John Roberts to the supreme court.
Re: ways of the ancients
And I disagree with your characterization of people who use the expression “da hood.” It’s just language, slang. Every generation has it. I don’t see it as a big deal at all.
Re: ways of the ancients
And I disagree with your characterization of people who use the expression “da hood.” It’s just language, slang. Every generation has it. I don’t see it as a big deal at all.
Re: ways of the ancients
And I disagree with your characterization of people who use the expression “da hood.” It’s just language, slang. Every generation has it. I don’t see it as a big deal at all.
Re: ways of the ancients
Amen brother…I hear ya!
Re: ways of the ancients
Amen brother…I hear ya!
Re: ways of the ancients
Amen brother…I hear ya!
Wow…you have dreams of doing wonderful good in the world and last night I dreamt I had a pet turkey who became best friends with my border collie. I am almost afraid to look at a dream dictionary and see what THAT means.
Susan Taylor Brown
Wow…you have dreams of doing wonderful good in the world and last night I dreamt I had a pet turkey who became best friends with my border collie. I am almost afraid to look at a dream dictionary and see what THAT means.
Susan Taylor Brown
Wow…you have dreams of doing wonderful good in the world and last night I dreamt I had a pet turkey who became best friends with my border collie. I am almost afraid to look at a dream dictionary and see what THAT means.
Susan Taylor Brown
Dreams are odd.
The other night I had a dream that my daughter was stuck on a ferris wheel, and then my husband rescued her.
Which wouldn’t be so odd if I had a daughter. Or a husband. :/
Dreams are odd.
The other night I had a dream that my daughter was stuck on a ferris wheel, and then my husband rescued her.
Which wouldn’t be so odd if I had a daughter. Or a husband. :/
Dreams are odd.
The other night I had a dream that my daughter was stuck on a ferris wheel, and then my husband rescued her.
Which wouldn’t be so odd if I had a daughter. Or a husband. :/
Wow – maybe everyone’s lives got switched as we slept last night.
Wow – maybe everyone’s lives got switched as we slept last night.
Wow – maybe everyone’s lives got switched as we slept last night.
Those interested in dreams might find the comic Dream Police interesting. It was a one-shot (meaning not part of a series) and very good. Only came out a few months ago so it should still be at your LCS.
Those interested in dreams might find the comic Dream Police interesting. It was a one-shot (meaning not part of a series) and very good. Only came out a few months ago so it should still be at your LCS.
Those interested in dreams might find the comic Dream Police interesting. It was a one-shot (meaning not part of a series) and very good. Only came out a few months ago so it should still be at your LCS.
For those not-yet-in-the know, what is a LCS?
For those not-yet-in-the know, what is a LCS?
For those not-yet-in-the know, what is a LCS?
Re: ways of the ancients
Listen, the dig at Rap music is totally uncalled for. It is certainly not one of the problems of modern society, as you could probably trace rap through African-American music, which is in Africa (hell what ancient society didn’t tell stories or have an interest in developing art–which rap most definitely is?). I find the reference to Rap you make entirely distasteful, and it makes all that you say previous to that point seem uneducated and flawed. I’m not saying all rap is amazing (I don’t have enough perspective with hip-hop or the history of to provide textured commentary)–but as with ANYTHING there’s immense variation in the types of themes and issues addressed/discussed, etc… I appreciate your points on diet and exercise but really don’t know how Rap music relates to anything.
Re: ways of the ancients
Listen, the dig at Rap music is totally uncalled for. It is certainly not one of the problems of modern society, as you could probably trace rap through African-American music, which is in Africa (hell what ancient society didn’t tell stories or have an interest in developing art–which rap most definitely is?). I find the reference to Rap you make entirely distasteful, and it makes all that you say previous to that point seem uneducated and flawed. I’m not saying all rap is amazing (I don’t have enough perspective with hip-hop or the history of to provide textured commentary)–but as with ANYTHING there’s immense variation in the types of themes and issues addressed/discussed, etc… I appreciate your points on diet and exercise but really don’t know how Rap music relates to anything.
Re: ways of the ancients
Listen, the dig at Rap music is totally uncalled for. It is certainly not one of the problems of modern society, as you could probably trace rap through African-American music, which is in Africa (hell what ancient society didn’t tell stories or have an interest in developing art–which rap most definitely is?). I find the reference to Rap you make entirely distasteful, and it makes all that you say previous to that point seem uneducated and flawed. I’m not saying all rap is amazing (I don’t have enough perspective with hip-hop or the history of to provide textured commentary)–but as with ANYTHING there’s immense variation in the types of themes and issues addressed/discussed, etc… I appreciate your points on diet and exercise but really don’t know how Rap music relates to anything.
Re: ways of the ancients
Correction (a part of this sentence got deleted somehow):
“It is certainly not one of the problems of modern society, as you could probably trace rap through African-American music, which finds its own origins in the spoken word and storytelling traditions of Africa (hell what ancient society didn’t tell stories or have an interest in developing art–which rap most definitely is?).”
Re: ways of the ancients
Correction (a part of this sentence got deleted somehow):
“It is certainly not one of the problems of modern society, as you could probably trace rap through African-American music, which finds its own origins in the spoken word and storytelling traditions of Africa (hell what ancient society didn’t tell stories or have an interest in developing art–which rap most definitely is?).”
Re: ways of the ancients
Correction (a part of this sentence got deleted somehow):
“It is certainly not one of the problems of modern society, as you could probably trace rap through African-American music, which finds its own origins in the spoken word and storytelling traditions of Africa (hell what ancient society didn’t tell stories or have an interest in developing art–which rap most definitely is?).”
Re: ways of the ancients
Go Patrick! Go Patrick!
(I was beginning to wonder if there would ever be a dust-up on this here forum. Thanks for enlivening the day,)
Re: ways of the ancients
Go Patrick! Go Patrick!
(I was beginning to wonder if there would ever be a dust-up on this here forum. Thanks for enlivening the day,)
Re: ways of the ancients
Go Patrick! Go Patrick!
(I was beginning to wonder if there would ever be a dust-up on this here forum. Thanks for enlivening the day,)
Local Comic Store??
Local Comic Store??
Local Comic Store??
Re: ways of the ancients
*Today these young “hipsters” have no clue what freedom stands for, they have no clue what blood was shed to give the the opportunities we have in the US, all they worry about is sex…drugs and .yes you guessed it…….RAP music.*
Hoo boy, that was funny!
Dadburned hipsters.
I blame the durn Beatles.
(hobbles away, clutching hip)
Re: ways of the ancients
*Today these young “hipsters” have no clue what freedom stands for, they have no clue what blood was shed to give the the opportunities we have in the US, all they worry about is sex…drugs and .yes you guessed it…….RAP music.*
Hoo boy, that was funny!
Dadburned hipsters.
I blame the durn Beatles.
(hobbles away, clutching hip)
Re: ways of the ancients
*Today these young “hipsters” have no clue what freedom stands for, they have no clue what blood was shed to give the the opportunities we have in the US, all they worry about is sex…drugs and .yes you guessed it…….RAP music.*
Hoo boy, that was funny!
Dadburned hipsters.
I blame the durn Beatles.
(hobbles away, clutching hip)
Re: ways of the ancients
Re: ways of the ancients
Re: ways of the ancients
I can’t remember any dreams from last night, but I had a dream the other day where I worked at a Radio Shack in the mall (by the way, Laurie, I live in Syracuse so I guess it was Carousel Mall) but it was kind of like a convenience store, and it sold a lot of stuff like soda and chips. I should point out that I’ve never actually been in a Radio Shack so I don’t know what they’re like. And it was really crowded with people who in my dream went to my school but nobody I actually knew was there, except my cousin who lives in New Jersey. And I spent a lot of time sweeping in the store, and outside of the store there was a big wooden rollercoaster, which I went on when I got tired of working. So maybe the other night I got switched with someone who works at a Radio Shack/convenience store in New Jersey.
~Karen (fan of your books, often reader of your blog, and dreamer of odd dreams)
I can’t remember any dreams from last night, but I had a dream the other day where I worked at a Radio Shack in the mall (by the way, Laurie, I live in Syracuse so I guess it was Carousel Mall) but it was kind of like a convenience store, and it sold a lot of stuff like soda and chips. I should point out that I’ve never actually been in a Radio Shack so I don’t know what they’re like. And it was really crowded with people who in my dream went to my school but nobody I actually knew was there, except my cousin who lives in New Jersey. And I spent a lot of time sweeping in the store, and outside of the store there was a big wooden rollercoaster, which I went on when I got tired of working. So maybe the other night I got switched with someone who works at a Radio Shack/convenience store in New Jersey.
~Karen (fan of your books, often reader of your blog, and dreamer of odd dreams)
I can’t remember any dreams from last night, but I had a dream the other day where I worked at a Radio Shack in the mall (by the way, Laurie, I live in Syracuse so I guess it was Carousel Mall) but it was kind of like a convenience store, and it sold a lot of stuff like soda and chips. I should point out that I’ve never actually been in a Radio Shack so I don’t know what they’re like. And it was really crowded with people who in my dream went to my school but nobody I actually knew was there, except my cousin who lives in New Jersey. And I spent a lot of time sweeping in the store, and outside of the store there was a big wooden rollercoaster, which I went on when I got tired of working. So maybe the other night I got switched with someone who works at a Radio Shack/convenience store in New Jersey.
~Karen (fan of your books, often reader of your blog, and dreamer of odd dreams)
hi! thanks for the comment! i had a good birthday. i just read your post about the dream. maybe your dream would make a good story. i had a dream last night that i went to see wicked and met the cast backstage. it was good. -ashley 🙂
hi! thanks for the comment! i had a good birthday. i just read your post about the dream. maybe your dream would make a good story. i had a dream last night that i went to see wicked and met the cast backstage. it was good. -ashley 🙂
hi! thanks for the comment! i had a good birthday. i just read your post about the dream. maybe your dream would make a good story. i had a dream last night that i went to see wicked and met the cast backstage. it was good. -ashley 🙂
Re: ways of the ancients
No problem… I’ve just found such solace in the work of Lauryn Hill and Talib Kweli, among many other MCs. I hugely admire the way words are combined with such intensely planned and organized beats/rhythms… as well as music, to channel emotions of all sorts–most especially the frustrations/joys I imagine come with living in “da hood” and seeing the world from this unique perspective (one I think more people would listen to). But like I said, there’s a lot of variation in rap (it’s a HUGE genre!)… plenty of mysogyny (I never know how to spell this word!) and homophobia, but when you find someone good, it’s amazing. Talib Kweli came to my school last spring, and I was blown away by the experience of seeing him perform. There’s nothing more uniting or peacful than seeing the way each person is holding one hand in the air, letting it bob to the beat, nodding heads. It’s a very chill way of recognizing a common humanity… a common appreciation of tightly arranged words with their consonants and vowels and slang… from whatever personal perspective we hear the themes, etc…
So yeah. Rap rocks. And sometimes, rock raps.
😉 hehe, thanks for the support!
Re: ways of the ancients
No problem… I’ve just found such solace in the work of Lauryn Hill and Talib Kweli, among many other MCs. I hugely admire the way words are combined with such intensely planned and organized beats/rhythms… as well as music, to channel emotions of all sorts–most especially the frustrations/joys I imagine come with living in “da hood” and seeing the world from this unique perspective (one I think more people would listen to). But like I said, there’s a lot of variation in rap (it’s a HUGE genre!)… plenty of mysogyny (I never know how to spell this word!) and homophobia, but when you find someone good, it’s amazing. Talib Kweli came to my school last spring, and I was blown away by the experience of seeing him perform. There’s nothing more uniting or peacful than seeing the way each person is holding one hand in the air, letting it bob to the beat, nodding heads. It’s a very chill way of recognizing a common humanity… a common appreciation of tightly arranged words with their consonants and vowels and slang… from whatever personal perspective we hear the themes, etc…
So yeah. Rap rocks. And sometimes, rock raps.
😉 hehe, thanks for the support!
Re: ways of the ancients
No problem… I’ve just found such solace in the work of Lauryn Hill and Talib Kweli, among many other MCs. I hugely admire the way words are combined with such intensely planned and organized beats/rhythms… as well as music, to channel emotions of all sorts–most especially the frustrations/joys I imagine come with living in “da hood” and seeing the world from this unique perspective (one I think more people would listen to). But like I said, there’s a lot of variation in rap (it’s a HUGE genre!)… plenty of mysogyny (I never know how to spell this word!) and homophobia, but when you find someone good, it’s amazing. Talib Kweli came to my school last spring, and I was blown away by the experience of seeing him perform. There’s nothing more uniting or peacful than seeing the way each person is holding one hand in the air, letting it bob to the beat, nodding heads. It’s a very chill way of recognizing a common humanity… a common appreciation of tightly arranged words with their consonants and vowels and slang… from whatever personal perspective we hear the themes, etc…
So yeah. Rap rocks. And sometimes, rock raps.
😉 hehe, thanks for the support!