7 Replies to “on running, FORGE and parsnips”

  1. woah, you’re amazing, i love this vlog! haha, i can see that you’re a lot more comfortable in front of the camera… and that’s amazing, for sure keep it up, because i love watching these!

  2. I have parsnips in the fridge right now. I made roasted carrots and parsnips last week and now I have like two or three parsnips left that I don’t know what to do with. Ideas?

  3. seeds of change

    I am so glad to see that you are using Seeds of Change seeds. They are one of the few that do not have genetically modified seeds, which is hard to find in the US today. Love the gardening adventures….so fun…can’t wait to see more.

  4. love it!

    The galloping turtle. Laurie, thank you for making my Monday much better than it was 3 minutes and 53 seconds ago (before I watched your wonderful vlog).

    Hilarious expression. Love it. My question – you said that also relates to your writing process. I’m sure you’ve gotten these questions before, but what IS your writing process? Draft longhand? On computer? Pantser and go back and layer in arcs?

    I remember you offering advice to me on Twitter awhile back…where you talked about focusing on the writing and keeping all worries of publication/submission away from my mind. That Speak took you about 7 drafts before it became what it is now. Can you elaborate more on your process? Do you marinate on ideas over time and then start to write? Etc.?

    Thanks much! Loving these vlogs – keep them up 🙂


  5. Parnsips?

    I can’t seem to watch anything on the Food Network lately without it somehow involving parsnips.

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