It is Friday, so I will list Five Beautiful and Unexpected Things. As an added bonus, two come with pictures.
1. Meredith the Office Mouse spent part of yesterday weeding through a mountain of books so that BH can build some bookshelves. By the end of the day, she made an amazing discovery. She found the floor!
2. Heidi Sheffield’s English classes at Oswego High School sent me flowers.
I did a drop-in surprise visit on them a couple of weeks ago. Thank you, everyone! (Notice the stacks and stacks of books in the background.)
3. The final, final, final CHAINS galleys should be arriving any minute now.
4. My research plans for the summer are suddenly falling into place, after much anxiety.
5. If you want to read about the BEA conference from a booksellers POV, Bookavore is blogging from LA a couple times a day.