Copyedited manuscript of Independent Dames sent off. check.
Critiques printed out out and packed. check.
Opening conference speech written & printed. check.
Revision speech written & printed. check.
Revision hand-outs assembled. check.
Revision hand-outs copied – not yet! Must drop off on the way to the hairdressers!
Portland speeches written. check.
Portland speeches printed – not yet! Need to look over one more time.
First half of revision of historical submitted. le grand sigh. Nope.
All tomatoes roasted. check!!!
So – things are a little busy ’round here today. I leave veeeeeeery early tomorrow for an SCBWI conference in Michigan. From there I fly to sunny Portland Oregon for Teen Read Week festivities.
Last night BH came up with a great addition to our Life Is Too Short List: “Life is too short to eat burnt popcorn.” Which I was about to do because I am obsessively frugal sometimes. He threw it out and popped me another bag.
Rest of today’s to-do list:
Empty email box.
Go to bank.
Pay bills.
Hang out with my parents and help them with a couple of things.
Get hair cut.
Pack suitcase and backpack.
…sneak in a little revision time…
Chill with husband and dog.
I leave you with some photos from the last couple of weeks.
Speaking of fall, this is outside the living room window.
My Beloved Husband interacting with Chris Crutcher.
Me, acting much more civilized with His Chrisness.