I have to admit, I was ignorant. I had no idea Chattanooga was so lovely and filled with exciting things and sweet people. This place needs to go on the Roadtrip Vacation List!
Yesterday I talked to students at Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences and Tyner High. (Yes, yes, I know I am technically on hiatus from school visits, but this trip were arranged through the A Tale for One City program, so it’s different.)
Do they look like Monday morning, or what? They were actually much more lively than this picture looks. It was really nice to hang out with kids again. (Special thanks to the kids who came over from Howard!)
CSAS is in a historic building and some of the lockers are wooden. Gives the expression “old school” new meaning.
After CSAS, my wonderful host, Fran Bender, took me to the Art District for lunch at a coffee shop and quick walk through the museum neighborhood. Then it was on to Tyner.
The students at Tyner were some of the friendliest I have ever had the good fortune to run across.
Some of the guys instantly freeze into GQ cover model positions whenever they feel a camera on them.
The girl on the left wins the “most thoughtful and insightful questions of the decade” award.
Thank you everyone for making the day so much fun!!
Long day today – more schools and my public presentation tonight.
I leave you with John Scalzi’s article about the financial realities of the writing life, not to discourage any of you from becoming writers, but so you know what you’re getting into. If you are seriously contemplating writing as a career, you owe it to yourself to read the entire article. Thank you, Stef, for the link.
Finally, thank you, for the heads-up about the extremely nice review of TWISTED in the Drew University Campus newspaper, The Acorn.
Oh – one last thing. Dinner last night? Shrimp and grits. Heaven – just heaven.