I am staying with my friend Deb Heiligman and her husband whilst in NYC. Deb beat me to the blogging punch yesterday about how fashionable we were as we power-walked down to 52nd Street. Turnabout is fair play so this is what Deb looked liked before our walk yesterday.
My day at Simon & Schuster started with anab-fab reception where I got to meet many of the good people who work there and sign a couple of books.
After that I did a short taping for Studio 4 to create more video content for the S&S website (here’s is some of the content created in 2008.)
That lady in the backsground is my FORGE editor, Caitlyn Dlouhy. Here she is in her office….
… which is filled with so many books all I wanted to do was to sit and read. But that was not on the agenda. The day was filled with meetings and meals and sometimes meetings at meals. Most of the conversations revolved around the publication of FORGE (October 19! Mark your calenders!) and the booktour that they are putting together for it. I don’t have any details yet about where and when I’ll be speaking, but as soon as I do, I’ll let you know.
Oh – and Caitlyn and I also talked about some upcoming picturebooks. Again – details later.
And I was able to see the FORGE cover, but it is not fully final yet so I probably shouldn’t show that. But I wish I could because it is GORGEOUS. Lizzy Bromley, the designer of CHAINS, is in charge of FORGE, too, and that is a VERY good thing because Lizzy is a genius, and a hard-working one at that.
Instead of showing you the FORGE cover, I can show you this group of nice S&Sers at one of the meetings.
The day ended with a magnificent meal at a cool restaurant off an alley on the Lower East Side, and before I knew it I was in a cab heading uptown and somehow, this dizzying day was over.
And now I am off to do it again at Penguin.