It’s a dreary day in the Forest, but we have candles lit and good music playing to chase the gloom away.
(Linguistic tangent: The OED does not think “gloom” is in anyway connected to or descended from the Old English word “glóm”, which describes the growing darkness at twilight. What kind of tea are they drinking? Of course, they’re connected!)
Congrats to fellow Central New York author Tamora Pierce, whose new book BLOODHOUND will debut at the #1 spot on the New York Times Bestseller List on May 3rd!!! Hie yourself over to Tammie’s LJ to congratulate her!
(Yes, WINTERGIRLS is still on the list, too! Along with some other awesome novels, and, er, the Twilight director’s notebook and Miley Cyrus’ book.)
My Beloved Husband and several elves have been hard at work on the cottage whilst I’ve been galivanting all over creation. Here’s the progress so far.
I don’t have any pics of just the foundation. Here is the next step – building the frame of the cottage on top of the foundation.
Roof and porch on! Outside shell of cottage complete!
And the magic window is in place. No glass, yet. I think the glass guy comes next week.
There is still lots and lots of work ahead – minor things like insulation and flooring and interior walls, and installing the woodstove. But the progress has been very exciting to watch!!! (I think that BH has been such a good egg about my travels this spring because it gives him more opportunities to work on his masterpiece.)
I’m taking my camera to LA and I’ll be twittering from the Festival of Books, but the blog post about it won’t be going up until Monday. (Follow me on Twitter.)
Don’t forget, Angelinos. I’d love to see you this Saturday, April 25, at the LOS ANGELES TIMES FESTIVAL OF BOOKS!
12:30 – 1:30pm Young Adult Fiction Panel: “Problem Child” Location: Moore 100
Moderator: Jonathan Hunt
Panelists: Laurie Halse Anderson
Suzanne Phillips
Nate Powell
Jacqueline Woodson
2:30 – 3:30 pm Booksigning
Location: Penguin/Whale of a Tale Booth, #816