The wonderful, wonderful people at Penguin (actually, the Puffin imprint) have come up with a new cover for CATALYST. What do you think? Will teens reach for it?
The wonderful, wonderful people at Penguin (actually, the Puffin imprint) have come up with a new cover for CATALYST. What do you think? Will teens reach for it?
Ah! Love it! Soooo much better than the original cover. I’d totally go for it.
It’s gorgeous!!!
That’s an excellent cover!
I already own it but…I might just have to buy it again. I LOVE this cover.
I really love this cover too! I’d buy it..(again)! 😀
I reached for the original just because of the author, but this cover would definitely make me reach again, very awesome
Awesome new cover! I already own it, but if I didn’t know the book, I would definitely reach for it on a shelf.
I’m reaching!
That is an amazing cover! I just started reading your books, and they are amazing! This was one of my favorites! I also just finished Forge, and Chains, and I have to say that they are definitely
some of the best books of all time!
~Marina 🙂