A lot of people have written to me in the last few months, asking what a typical book tour day is like.
Elizabeth Bluemle of Flying Pig Bookstore did a write-up of the day I spent in the Burlington, VT area. It gives you a pretty good picture of the day: three school visits, a late-afternoon public presentation, then a long car ride to Boston because my plane was canceled. It was a long and intense day, but I loved it, especially hanging out with the students.
There are many readers’ faces that I am going to remember for a long time after this tour. Like Clark Weathers, who showed me the comic book he was drawing in his spiral notebook. I met him before I talked to the kids in his Austin, TX middle school. After my presentation, I made sure that Clark and his librarian had a chance to chat. She introduced him to a new term “graphic novel” and told him that the library had a lot of them. You should have see the excitement on his face!
Clark made this for me. Be sure you read the second sentence.
In other news, the sun was spotted in the Forest this afternoon for the first time since Saturday. In the extended forecast, they are calling for snow in the next 9 out of 10 days. I have a funny feeling I will soon be seized by an uncontrollable urge to bake gingerbread cookies.
And we’re getting our Christmas trees this weekend. I am taking bets on how long it takes the new dog, Thor, (AKA The Totally Insane Chimera Dog) to eat a few branches and then puke green.
PS – Looking for holiday shopping book suggestions?? Check out the Flying Pig’s newsletter!!
That was a great day! It is great when kids draw stuff or share their writing. I’ve just launched my second book and have posted about my adventures in book launches and signings.