Here I am again… Queen Louise, that is. A while back, Laurie posted a picture of her mom, sitting quietly on a porch, reading a book. I am holding this peaceful picture in my thoughts, because Laurie and Hospice are helping Joyce through the final days of a wonderful life. Even though this is a dark time for Laurie, she is thankful and feels blessed.
Now for the Deep Discussions… Wall Street Journal has an article in which Wintergirls is mentioned . What do you think? The website Jezabel has an interesting take on the article here . Talk it up!
The Power company is here to turn off the power (yes, Laurie paid the bill), they are working on the poles outside. But that shortens my time with you. Post a comment and let Laurie know what you think of the articles and website blog. And good thoughts for her mom!
I didn’t get past the byline of the WSJ article. Katie Roiphe is an idiot.
Best wishes to Laurie and her mom!
hang in there :/
I’m keeping you and your mom in my prayers!
Sending peaceful thoughts and strength to Laurie and mom.
I think the WSJ article is interesting, but find this line not only unnecessary, but disrespectful:
“The book is at once riveting and repulsive to read, half Sylvia Plath, half diet manual.”
Diet manual? My god.
I was mesmerized by the book – yes, it was a harrowing read, but there was nothing gratiutous about it and it haunted me for days. It also reaffirmed (yet again) Laurie’s brilliance. Too bad journalists who write about YA often have such disdain for the genre.
(I also meant to say that my thoughts are with Laurie – with my fiance recently losing a parent, I understand how difficult and painful this time must be.)
I’m thinking good thoughts and sending a big virtual hug for Laurie, her mom, and the rest of her family.
All good thoughts to Laurie and her mother…
Sending positive energy to Laurie and Joyce. I will carry them in my heart today.
Best wishes and warm thoughts for Laurie and her mom.
The WSJ article irritated me for many reasons, but the capper was is that it spoiled the ending of all three books! I made a note to pick up “If I Stay” but now I know the ending! Is it bad that I’ve gotten used to the internet etiquette and expect spoiler warnings?
Laurie and her mom are in my thoughts.
Re: Wall Street Journal
Hmmm. I have never been able to understand people who didn’t understand the darker side of life. Articles that seem surprised that a. there IS a darker side to life and b. teenagers see it and have to deal with it, baffle me.
The line that got to me was the one about “peddling despair”. I think that the cause and effect sequence is totally backwards in the mind of the writer. Its not that teens are seeking to buy into a “market” of sadness and misery (Thank God it came along–phew!) but that sadness and misery are already there, and the publishing world is finally allowing themselves to tap into it.
There seems to be a little patrionization when people say things like, “These teens think/feel like they can relate to (x)…” No, teens REALLY CAN relate to (x) because that might be their lives.
I think of books like (those mentioned) as revealing, not “dangerous”. They force kids to think through situations they’re not part of, or help kids facing those situations feel less alone. The darkness has always been there; its just that now it hides a little less.
I can tell from the messages on your FaceBook Laurie that your mom is on her way. Sharing those moments are so special, thank you. You are showing the rest of us who still have moms how it’s done, thank you for that too. Your celebration is inspiring. I’m so sorry that it’s happening, I hope your mom is comfortable and her passing will be easy. I can see that you are taking good care of yourself and letting others care for you too, that is wonderful to see.
You have my best thoughts and wishes,
Angela L. Fox
I didn’t read the article and I don’t think I need to. What Lara says here pretty much sums it up for me.
So many good thoughts. I’m going to hold onto that image as well.
Best wishes to Laurie, her mother, and the whole family.
I read the article and personally, I really disliked the way Wintergirls was described, because I don’t think anyone in their right mind could describe Wintergirls as “half diet manual.”
I liked other parts of it, though. I think there ought to be much less “shielding” and more frank discussion of topics.
Laurie, my heart is with you.
Thinking of you both and sending you peace…
Here’s what I think:
Books are chosen for publication by adults. Books are placed in bookstores by adults. Adults advertise these books and adults write reviews. Teachers have great influence over introducing books to teens. Adults stir the pot. Doesn’t everything begin with the publisher and bookstores deciding which books will make it on the shelves? Is it truly their fascination with these subjects? Perhaps it is the journey and the offer of hope that everyone craves.
My point is, I think each individual teen is going to decide what they like to read. We as adults are leading them in certain directions and I don’t think its truthful to say that teens prefer certain topics because they are struggling to separate from their parents and find out who they are.
Some will be led to read about suicide and death but others may prefer to read, The Hobbit.? I let my teen choose for herself. (Although, I have been known to strategically place books on coffee tables.) My daughter has been through a horrific car accident and can no longer walk. She doesn’t consistantly choose to read about tragic subjects because this happened to her.
Laurie, I don’t know you…I have never written or spoken to you, but I wish for you peace and comfort during this difficult time.
thoughts are with laurie and her mom (from a Pulaski Health club buddy)
Laurie, KNow you, your mom, and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.Losing a parent is SO tough. I went through it 5 years ago. I take comfort in the time spent with my Mom througout the cancer illness and the dignity hospice provided for my Mom (not to mention the way hospice guided us in saying Goodbye). hang in there and come back to the health club soon to pound out the grief/stress/pain on the treadmill.
Laurie, I am wishing you the kind of light-heartedness that comes from rushes of love and memory, and being together as a family. We went through this recently with my mom and in the non-hospice hours we scanned old photos, posted her favorite recipes and artwork online, and oohed and giggled over her wedding pictures again. Anyway, I wish you moments that balance the sadness you must be feeling.
All the best to you and your mom, and all her friends and family.
From Dostoevsky:
My life is ending, I know that well, but every day that is left me I feel how my earthly life is in touch with a new infinite, unknown, but approaching life, the nearness of which sets my soul quivering with rapture, my mind glowing and my heart weeping with joy.