I think I have time to post a few photos.
The opening paragraphs of Charlotte’s Web, La telaraña de Carlota, in Spanish.
The adorable 1st and 2nd graders I talked to yesterday.
The fruit section of the grocery store is a religious experience, especially the giant mounds of pineapples.
This is the blue corn they use to make my favorite new drink, chicha morada.
Unexpected fun thing of the day. I was invited to join the women faculty who regularly play against the girls’ basketball team. I mostly sucked because I haven’t had time to run for a couple of months, but I had a blast and everyone was incredibly nice about the whole thing.
How is the drink made?
chicha morada is great!
the peruvians also have this dish with rice, potatoes, and eggs and it’s DELISH! i wish i knew what it was called, but it’s pretty commonly eaten. you should try it out if you can! =)
Tanita Says 🙂
I read that first page of Charlotte’s Web out loud! And D. says, “which pig was too small!” so my pronunciation doesn’t suck as much as it could. It is SO COOL that you’re doing this kind of World Tour thing. Fun, fun. And I am lusting after the pineapples, here in Scotland… *sigh* I miss California sometimes!
How do you decide who (or if) to dedicate a book to?
Whoa, flashback ~ that’s the first book I ever read in Spanish!