I posted today’s first entry early, because I was up way before dawn getting ready for the trip. I was buzzing around the house, fretting, chewing my fingernails, trying to remember absolutely everything and wishing I could go to the airport 24 hours early.

Just before 8am, someone knocked on the door. It was a stranger bearing cake. Of course we let her in!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic She didn’t stay a stranger for long. Meet Dawn, of She makes delicious custom cakes in Syracuse.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Uncle Penguin asked Dawn to bake a WINTERGIRLS cake for us. It was thoughtfully timed so that we could enjoy it for breakfast today AND tomorrow.

A bunch of our kids are coming home this weekend and we’ve promised to leave some for them.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic But we didn’t say how much!

29 Replies to “CAKE FOR BREAKFAST!!!”

  1. It seems odd, yet oddly fitting, that there have already been two (beautiful) cakes for a book about anorexia.

    Enjoy it. Enjoy it very much. :0)

  2. Well, the cake is lovely, but not QUITE as beautiful as the COPY OF WINTERGIRLS I won at Mary Hershey’s blog and that the UPS man JUST dropped off at my door! Can’t wait!

  3. That’s truly lovely… and I’m sure it was as tasty as it was beautiful.

    Enjoy the tour — alas, nowhere near me, but I look forward to twitter updates!

  4. I love the detail down the spine of the cake, which showed in the photo you posted at Twitter. Dawn can “come over my house” any old time.

  5. When I first read the title, I read it as “CAT FOR BREAKFAST!!!” and I was very confused. I was rather relieved to stand corrected.

  6. WINTERGIRLS at the B&N that’s officially in my town, both on the new release wall and in a full book dump. That said, it’s the third printing already, to which I say WTF? (I’m holding out to buy it at my not-quite-local indy.)

  7. REALLY?????!!!!!!!!???????

    I have no idea why it’s in the 3rd printing. I am agok.

    And big, big love to you for waiting to buy it at an indie!

  8. The cake looks awesome! I like your Georgetown sweatshirt- it was the first thing I noticed about your photos, besides the lovely cake. I’m a freshman at Georgetown and I love it! I hope you had a great experience there.

  9. that cake looks so good! and congrats on wintergirls being published today. i’m going to get it tomorrow after classes (unless my dad surprises me with it today) and i can’t wait to read it! good luck and have fun on the tour! i really wish i could be at one of the stops to see you, but oh well. i’ll be with you in spirit, and i’m really proud of you.

  10. Wow that’s an awesome wicked cool cake! 😀 I thought it was a book for a moment than I realised it was a cake!

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