Want a WINTERGIRLS Discussion Guide?

I have a handful of spiffy WINTERGIRLS discussion guides, courtesy of Uncle Penguin.

If you want me to mail one to you, please leave an address in the Comments section. First come, first served until they’re all gone.

We will return to our regularly scheduled questions about writing and publishing tomorrow.

ETA: If you don’t want the whole world to see your address, simply ask me to screen your comment and I will happily do so. Thanks to the person who suggested this!

EDITED: All the guides have been spoken for. I’ll get them in the mail this week.

29 Replies to “Want a WINTERGIRLS Discussion Guide?”

  1. i would love one! 🙂

    also, i know this is wicked wicked short notice, but http://www.thehathorlegacy.com/books/ holds a 20 on the 20th interview every month. would you like to be this month’s? we just swap a set of 4 emails back and forth, w. 5 questions each. then i post them, link to your blog, to the amazon link for a few of your books, etc etc.

  2. Yes Please

    I am a teacher and that would be great. I put my name on the Myspace page for a copy of the book, but I never heard back from them.

    My name is Shanna, and my address is

  3. I’d love a book guide, if any are still available. If so, please send to:


    thanks for offering this!

  4. I’d love one if you’ve got any left.


    P.S. I am a livejournal member (my username is silentrevyrie) but posting anonymously was the only way to screen the comment immediately.

  5. Sean >

    Please screen my comment!

    Also, I am super sad but I’m guessing I’m not going to get an advanced copy of Wintergirls, I haven’t heard back from your publishers. I suppose you still don’t know anything about that?

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