Matters of the Heart in Colonial America

I came across two interesting newspaper announcements when I was researching yesterday.

From the NY Gazetter and Weekly Mercury, Feb 24, 1777:

“If Daniel Carroll, late of Elizabeth-Town, New-Jersey, will call upon Mr. David Mercereau, on Staten-Island, he will hear where his wife is now.”

And from the The Pennsylvania Gazette, March 26, 1777

“Jemima Wilson, the wife of John Wilson, hereby forewarns all persons from trusting him on her account, for she never intends to live with him any more, nor have any concern with him, or to pay any of his debts; he is lame and I have taken the best care I could of him; he has sold all my effects.”

I offer these up for anyone in need of a writing prompt!

18 Replies to “Matters of the Heart in Colonial America”

  1. There was a fascinating discussion on the Verla Kay blueboards a week or so ago about teen slang, and “lame” came up. I’m wondering if Jemima Wilson’s “lame” husband had a physical disability or if he was just, you know, SUCH a loser….

    Sounds as if he could have been the original who inspired the expression!

  2. Margaret A. Edwards Award

    Laurie! I’m so excited for you! I watched the award announcements via web cast and started crying when they announced you won. I couldn’t help it. It’s not everyday you actually know the winner of such a prestigious award! Perhaps I’ll see you in Chicago this summer at ALA. Congrats, too, on the O’Dell Award for Chains. It’s a wonderful book and I’ve put it on my children’s literature course’s reading list. I’m still writing, too. I’ve been busy working on the historical fiction novel you were so kind to help me with during the Illinois Reading Council conference last year (I’ve been working on other stories, too, though). Way to go, Laurie! 🙂 2009 is off to a fantastic start for you! –Liz

  3. Margaret A. Edwards and Scott O’Dell Awards

    Congratulations on your two big awards! “Chains” was such an achievement and I was so excited to see that it was given the Scott O’Dell Award. I squealed, along with another librarian watching the live announcement of the ALA awards this morning, when we heard your name announced as the recipient of the Margaret A. Edwards award. You have touched so many teen lives through your work.

  4. lala…
    waiting for the official “I’m not worthy thread”…
    lalalala…cause you SO are worthy…lalala….lalala…lala….



  5. Congrats!

    Congratulations on ALL of your recent accolades (NBA, ALAN, O’Dell, & Edwards)! You certainly deserve them! Enjoy!

  6. Congratulations!

    Congratulations on ALL of your recent accolades! You certainly deserve every one of them. Thank you some much for all you do for YA Lit! Enjoy 🙂

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