Dawn Patrol

Yesterday was a lucky day for me. My tomato plants survived the frost, snug in their little handmade hoodies. My flights were on time, my flights were (relatively) comfortable, and my luggage did not wander off on its own. AND I won a contest. I have never won a contest before in my whole life. And get this – I won ICE CREAM.

Coconut & Lime is my favorite food blog. (You really should check it out and try some of her recipes.) When I was inbetween flights at O’Hare Airport yesterday, I saw the announcement of a contest to win some of the new flavors of Haagen-Dazs ice cream. So I entered. I always enter contests; it’s a case of blind optimisim overcoming decades of painful experience. But yesterday, I won! I don’t know when the ice cream is coming, or what flavors will be in the box, but I’ll let you know.

One of the nice things about jet lag is that it’s really easy, as an East-coaster, to wake up wicked early for a sunrise stroll. San Jose is a very walkable and runnable city. I am staying on the campus of San Jose State University and went for a run last night through the surrounding neighborhoods. This morning I wandered through downtown, enjoying all the public art. While looking for an open coffee shop, I came across a cool memorial to Ernesto Galarza, called Man of Fire.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic He was a brilliant author, activist, and organizer who fought for decent working conditions for farm laborers and educational opportunities for all.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic The piece looks like a long dining room table, with objects that reflect Galarza’s passions and accomplishments scattered on it.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic See this memorial to his life and work, especially since we just celebrated International Labor Day yesterday and Cinco de Mayo on Monday, was a meaningful way to start the day.

I leave in a while to speak at Yerba Buena High School, then to Hicklebee’s for a 4pm event and signing. You’re coming, right? Please? Paleeeeezzzz?

7 Replies to “Dawn Patrol”

  1. Something must be afoot…I never win anything and yet I’m winning things. People I know are winning things too…hum? Sounds like a conspiracy or a large magnetic shift in the universe. Maybe my luck will hold through my SCBWI critique ;o)!

  2. Oh, I wish I could come to Hicklebee’s to see you! It’s so close by, but my baby is due any day now. Have fun. =)

  3. reading


    I’m really glad you liked San Jose, that your books don’t totally suck, and that you put up with dear darling Lindsey this morning. I’m guessing is that Wintergirls is going to displace Catalyst in the totally-not-sucking, second-only-to-Speak category. As prominsed, my address is 5056 Cribari Vale, San Jose CA 95135-1335


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