Give & Receive Goodies!!!

I’m emerging briefly from the Cave of Revision (where I had a very nice epiphany yesterday, thank you, and now I’m pretty sure I know how to fix the part that wasn’t working in this story) to check the calendar.

Note: there is a chance to win free books ahead, including a collectible first edition. Keep reading!

Gasp. We only have 61 days until the half-marathon in Lake Placid.

::reaches for running shoes::
::slaps self and points to massive manuscript and mountain of notes::

Truth be told I ran yesterday, so today is a cross-training day (w00t). So far this year, I’ve done pretty good sticking to my goal of running 20 miles a week. As of yesterday, when I staggered up the driveway, I have run 303 miles since January 1st. The snow is finally gone up here on the tundra, so I’ve abandoned the treadmill in favor of hilly country roads well-stocked with rotting roadkill.

New readers of the blog might be wondering why on earth I’m doing all this running. My husband and I have vowed to raise $5,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training fund. The money goes for research into the causes of and treatments for blood cancers, which kills an American every ten minutes. My cousin is fighting this disease right now so it is a cause that means a great deal to our family.

Note: You’re almost to the part where you get to win the free stuff! Keep reading!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Because I know a million, bazillion people, I was able to meet my fundraising goal last month. My studly, adorable, patient, quick-witted husband (yeah, that’s him in the photo) is not far behind, but he could use a little help. He is 60% of the way to his goal. All he needs is another $1,000. But he needs it soon. (Photo by Sonya Sones, BTW.)

Here’s where the bribery begins… I mean, here’s the free stuff!!!!

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If you donate $50 toward Scot’s goal, I will send you a free audiobook of TWISTED (seen here hanging out with the revisions of my WIP).

If you donate $100, I’ll send the audiobook and a special surprise.

If you donate $500, I will send you a very rare, first edition, first printing copy of SPEAK. No one had high hopes for the book when it was published, so the first print run was limited. Here is your chance to snag a collectible.

Or you can donate what you can afford and receive our everlasting gratitude and a really good feeling in your heart. Come on. You’re about to get a check from the government. Here’s a way to put it to good use.

Please help us. It’s for a good cause.

18 Replies to “Give & Receive Goodies!!!”

  1. I sincerely doubt I will ever be able to run fast enough to qualify for Boston.

    But that doesn’t mean I’m not trying!

  2. I need to talk to hubby about donating a large sum of money, but I wouldn’t mind the first edition (i collect books!)

    Can I just say how beautiful that picture of you and your husband is? Just gorgeous!

  3. I hope you get lots of donations. I loved walking with BARCC at the Walk for Change, and even though I only raised a little bit, it gave me such a good feeling. 🙂

  4. Donated. Filling in for a friend’s class last week has left me suddenly flush. Now I just have to get Twisted past the approval board so I can use this next year (Speak already lives in our book room, so I don’t foresee it being too hard.)

    PS, one of my student’s wrote a freewrite last week on how her favorite book is Speak and one of our District finalists in Dramatic Interp for the National Forensics League is doing an amazing job with Speak right now too. I also have Catalyst sitting in my work bag. I feel like the universe is converging.

  5. your snow is gone??? i am so jealous! here i am in southern new york, thinking “hey, i may have lingering snowdrifts, [and more recently, some flurries that tried their hardest to stick] but i bet laurie is still buried” its been my only consolation. and now its… its… SHATTERED!!!

    anyhow, enough mellowdrama [can you tell my show is coming up?] im glad things seem to be going well.

  6. Well, there is still the mound of snow at the end of the driveway… but I am trying to ignore that.

    The daffodils should be blooming in a day or two.

  7. I got a gift certificate for a private yoga lesson for my birthday. My appointment is today. So while you’re running and cross training and swinging your pick axe, I am going to try my best to remain as motionless as possable. I’d wager I’ll still sweat more. Sweating is my best thing.

    I remember when you and I were doing Educator’s Night at the Whitehall store. Speak had just been shortlisted for the National Book Award, and the store couldn’t get any extra copies because of the high demand. Someone should definitely snag that first printing. It’s a rarity.

  8. Lubar does Yoga

    Dear Dave,

    Laurie has been pushing me to start yoga. She gave me a copy of Babar’s Yoga for Elephants as a subtle hint that I know it’s a very good thing to do. I have been slightly reluctant to try it because old dogs like myself, don’t like learning new tricks. However, due largely to my own need for gaining flexibility especially with all of the running I am doing, and the fact that as a fellow chaperone I can’t let you go on alone, I will try it.
    Thanks Dave for your inspiration……I think?

  9. Congratulations on all your training that you’ve been doing! 303 miles in 2008 is really, really impressive. I hope that your hamstring is feeling better. Isn’t it exciting when the race is getting close? (Mine is 38 days away!) I have already donated to you, so I will be sending you and Scot good thoughts for your remaining 61 days. That is a really gorgeous picture of you two!

    🙂 Sarah

  10. Oh, I’d love to donate to you guys. Unfortunately, I am a fourteen year old who blew the shriveled remains of her birthday money on a tube of silly string at the drugstore this afternoon.

    If it helps, though, I convinced three of my classmates to read Speak for our individual reading assignment by standing up and shrieking praise when when my teacher mentioned it during English class yesterday.

  11. Trying to donate

    Hey cuz- I searched the leukemia website for his donation page…no luck…maybe spelling wrong? Send me a link…I have a little extra this month and want to help out!


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