Daughter Stef heads up here for Christmas #3 in a few days and I am trying to polish the first act of my new YA in time for her to read it. (She is one of my trusty early readers because she doesn’t pull any punches with me.)
So I have very little interesting to say except for “Is the coffee pot empty again?”
However, I stumbled across a couple of sites to share with you, in the Spirit of the Season of Resolution:
#1. Unclutterer. If you’re trying to get sane and organized, start here.
#2. Slow Down Now. For people trying to take their lives back from the Work-Harder-Rush-Faster culture.
#3. The Simple Dollar. If you have money-oriented goals for the year.
I will browse all three in depth just as soon as I make the new deadline, find my checkbook in the mess that is my desk and get my bills paid.
My oldest daughter is 16, but she lets me know whenever the voice strays too far away from what I thought was a hilarious teen line.
Sigh. It’s always better that the dissing comes from her than my agent….
I would love to just meet anyone in your pictures. ANY one of them.