The Cybil nominations are complete!
I am very proud and happy that TWISTED is one of the 123 books nominated in the robust and rowdy YA Fiction category.
“What are the Cybils?” you ask.
The Cybils were created to be “a literary competition that combined the freewheeling democracy of the Internet with the thoughtfulness of a book club. Cybils lets the public nominate books here on our Cybils blog, but then bloggers team up to pick the finalists and winners. The winning books must combine quality and “kid appeal.”” (quote taken from the Cybil FAQ). They have an easy-to-read statement of purpose, too.
The Cybil organizers have been gathering the nominations since October. Now a panel of judges will read the nominated books and come up with the finalists, to be announced January 1st. Then there is another round of reading and voting, with the winners announced on February 14th.
Teachers – this might be a fun outside reading activity. Some schools and libraries have Mock Printz and Mock Newbery clubs. The Cybils have many more categories and their discussion is more open to the public. Have your students come up with what they consider to be a fair number of titles to read, then discuss the books they care about. In February, you can compare their tastes to what the judges picked. The ALA announcements will be made by then, too.
Some people are uncomfortable with awards and discussions of “the best book.” The truth is, there is not one best book. There are many amazing books written each year. The value of awards like these is that they stimulate discussions about books. When books are being talked about, people seek them out to read. That increases the likelihood that each reader will find the book that is best for her or best for him.
When readers are connecting with books that speak to their hearts, we all win.
“When readers are connecting with books that speak to their hearts, we all win.”
Dang, I wish I’d said that. Since I didn’t, I’m going to have to steal it.
Good luck in winning, er in having a book that speaks to a lot of readers’ hearts!
Thanks so much for writing about the Cybils, Laurie, and especially for the suggestion to teachers for using the Cybils lists. What a great idea! I love your statement “When readers are connecting with books that speak to their hearts, we all win” too. I know that your books do speak to a lot of readers’ hearts, whether this one wins the award or not. Thanks.
Many thanks for the links to us here at Cybils and for encouraging teachers to find us too. We had to make last year’s finalists available in an easy-to-print format because so many people wanted to march straight to their library or bookstore, list in hand, to see what the fuss was about. That’s great for us but even better for the authors!
We’ll be doing the same again this year, of course.
Thanks again, and good luck in the competition!
-Anne Levy
Congratulations! Thank you so much for supporting the Cybils.